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Let's have one more picnic before the frost spoils the leaves," said Merry, resting a minute at the gate to look down the street, which was a glorified sort of avenue, with brilliant maples lining the way and carpeting the ground with crimson and gold.


But he was in gloomy rebellion against the fact that his quick apprehensiveness foreshadowed to him, and when his eyes fell on Rosamond's blighted face it seemed to him that he was the more pitiable of the two; for pain must enter into its glorified life of memory before it can turn into compassion.


It was talked about, gloated over, glorified, until the reason of many of the citizens tottered under the strain of the unhealthy excitement.


They dried their boiled ham and had a feast, and after that they sat by the fire and expanded and glorified their midnight adventure until morning, for there was not a dry spot to sleep on, anywhere around.


: We have brought you some everlasting quotations by immortal personalities and eminent people who have glorified Thanksgiving through their elegiac composition: ,,.


Although the vertical takeoff and landing vehicles seem like glorified helicopters, Uber believes its concept will be safer and cheaper than what's already available.

乔布斯传 第17期:上学(5)

It was called the 9100A, and it was a glorified calculator but also really the first desktop computer.


Granola, granola bars, and energy bars 、 "Most of these are glorified candy bars with few healthy ingredients," Larson said.


But despite such mod-cons, many netizens are enraged, describing the capsule as a glorified coffin and the landlord as unscrupulous.


" To my surprise, Mr Herbrich agreed computers are really glorified adding machines.


His heroism, especially during the final battle, has been glorified in Chinese stories and poetries.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(108)

The mud wall, short and pocked with holes, enclosed the tiny house--which was really not much more than a glorified hut.


They probably won't want to know what they said the next day about someone's new husband or the glorified slime on a shingle calling itself pizza served at a party, and fortunately for them, they're the blunt one, not you.

白居易: 长恨歌

Her sisters and her brothers all were given titles; And, because she so illumined and glorified her clan, She brought to every father, every mother through the empire, Happiness when a girl was born rather than a boy.


Mad Men: The 1960s has been all too glorified, but nostalgia5 is hardly what Mad Men had in mind, even though its period touches are amazingly vivid.

安徒生童话英文版:The Last Pearl

The delicate folded hands and the noble face glorified in death by the solemn, earnest look, which spoke of an entrance into a better world, were alone visible.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Fifth Evening

A torn flag upon the ground, the tricolor was waving above the bayonets, and on the throne lay the poor lad with the pale glorified countenance, his eyes turned towards the sky, his limbs writhing in the death agony, his breast bare, and his poor tattered clothing half hidden by the rich velvet embroidered with silver lilies.

安徒生童话英文版-11 The Little Mermaid

" The little mermaid lifted her glorified eyes towards the sun, and felt them, for the first time, filling with tears.

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