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A great longing to find the maker of those footprints took possession of him.


Quack, a gleam of longing crept into his eyes and his mouth began to water.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 4》

Caught up by the soaring of his spirit, her spirit lifted, and she was conscious of vague but intense longing skyward.

原版小说:《五镇的安娜 1》

The town was proud of its achievement, and it had the right to be; for, though this narrow pleasaunce was in itself unlovely, it symbolised the first faint renascence of the longing for beauty in a district long given up to unredeemed ugliness.


I felt as if—knowing what I now knew—his countenance would offer a page more lucid, more interesting than ever; I felt a longing to trace in it the imprint of that primitive devotedness, the signs of that half-knightly, half-saintly chivalry which the priest's narrative imputed to his nature.


" "Your cousin is still there; you must be longing to see her.


To my checked, bridled, disciplined expectation, it seemed very kind: to my longing and famished thought it seemed, perhaps, kinder than it was.


My mind, calmer and stronger now than last night, made for itself some imperious rules, prohibiting under deadly penalties all weak retrospect of happiness past; commanding a patient journeying through the wilderness of the present, enjoining a reliance on faith—a watching of the cloud and pillar which subdue while they guide, and awe while they illumine—hushing the impulse to fond idolatry, checking the longing out-look for a far-off promised land whose rivers are, perhaps, never to be reached


To turn back was now become possible to me; the wild longing to breathe this October wind on the little hill far without the city walls had ceased to be an imperative impulse, and was softened into a wish with which Reason could cope: she put it down, and I turned, as I thought, to the Rue Fossette.


" I know not what possessed me either; but somehow, my longing was to eclipse the "Ours," i.


This longing, and all of a similar kind, it was necessary to knock on the head; which I did, figuratively, after the manner of Jael to Sisera, driving a nail through their temples.


One day she descended to the yard to watch him dismount; as she leaned against the gate, the longing wish for the indulgence of a ride glittered in her eye.


She moped: no grown person could have performed that uncheering business better; no furrowed face of adult exile, longing for Europe at Europe's antipodes, ever bore more legibly the signs of home sickness than did her infant visage.


Bobcat and even old King Bear began to cast longing eyes upon him, for times were hard and they were hungry.


He sat, as usual, by himself, with his harp on his knee and a great longing in his heart.


And she must live on here—petting and soothing Dick, pinching and saving for a mere existence, while I spend my life longing vainly for her, and debarred, by that very fact, from even giving her the little help a friend might.


She has been that built up and happy, longing for that baby, and planning for it.


Yes, old and useless as I be, there's an awful longing sweeps over me at times to sail out—out—out there—forever and ever.


You were mighty eager to set off, but your longing to see poor Linton has soon evaporated!


' "He swore at us, and left Linton no time to answer, nearly throwing him into the kitchen; and he clenched his fist as I followed, seemingly longing to knock me down.

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