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Some countries were either under protectorate or mandate, and others were completely ruled.

名人励志英语演讲 第36期:为理想我愿献出生命(10)

Only such a normalized situation, which allows for free political activity, , can allow us to consult our people in order to obtain a mandate.

名人励志英语演讲 第26期:我们唯一害怕的是害怕本身(11)

In their need, they have registered a mandate that they want direct, vigorous action.


The new mandate also calls on express delivery services to launch cross-border operations and increase their presence in overseas markets.


Johannes Hahn, the Austrian commissioner in Brussels, said he was seeking a mandate from member states to find a different approach.


Experts watching the group say it has a clear government mandate to take on Visa and MasterCard outside China.


Instead, Beijing will mandate transparent drug purchase, choosing suppliers by open bids and having drug and producer information fully disclosed.


Shimon Peres was born Szymon Perski on August 2 1923 in what was Wieniawa in Poland (today Vishniev, Belarus) and sailed with his parents, a wealthy timber merchant and a volunteer librarian, at the age of 11 to British Mandate Palestine.


Key outcomes of the summit are including the development of a country-specific Cannes Action Plan for Growth and Jobs, agreement to strengthen the World Trade Organization by considering additional and parallel international trade negotiations beyond the Doha Round mandate and the adoption of an action plan to support the development and deepening of local bond markets.


McLaren said he had "only skimmed the surface" in his 57-day investigation, and Wada wants the Canadian to "complete his mandate" by identifying athletes who benefited from the programme.


have a mandate to buy foreign assets and they will keep finding ways in," said an adviser who works with Chinese buyers.


State and federal regulators still must decide under what circumstances to permit so-called autonomous systems or, perhaps, whether to mandate features like adaptive cruise control or lane assist, if they are deemed to make automobile travel more safe.


Aravena and Andrés Iacobelli — a transport engineer who has since gone his own way — started Elemental, a so-called do tank (rather than a think tank), with the mandate "Let's make a company that is able to prove that things can be better.


COP 13 adopted the Bali Action Plan (BAP) and established the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) with a mandate to focus on mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology and a shared vision for long-term cooperative action.


" "While I have a mandate from the membership of FIFA, I do not feel that I have a mandate from the entire world of football -- the fans, the players, the clubs, the people who live, breathe and love football as much as we all do at FIFA.


China should roll back its one-child policyand instead mandate that all couples have two children, a family planningofficial has said, drawing criticism from a ruling Communist Party newspaper(AFP Photo/Wang Zhao) ",.


In March 2003, a London Times newspaper poll indicated that only 19% of respondents approved of military action without a UN mandate.


I, for instance, was hesitant to work with a speaking coach because my audience evaluations didn't mandate it, but once I learned that the top speakers in the world -- from Tony Robbins to President Barack Obama -- have worked with coaches, I changed my mind.

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