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英语世界文摘:Five Reasons to Explore Mars

The space program has pioneered the miniaturization7 of scientific equipment and helped engineers figure out how to land and maneuver a rover from millions of miles away.


Mars probe makes course correction ""2 China's Tianwen 1 Mars probe carried out its second midcourse correction maneuver on Sunday night, according to the China National Space Administration.


From the experience of the maneuver he wrote Records of Military Training and Military Strategy, which became an invaluable reference for military leaders after him.


Thinking he was trying to weigh less with this maneuver, she commented,"I don't think that's going to help.


And to maneuver around, CIMON is equipped with 14 internal fans that propel the white ball, by sucking in the station's air and expelling it to move in whatever direction it needs.

万物简史 第39期:埃文斯牧师的宇宙(3)

I had imagined that Evans would have a proper observatory in his backyard , a scaled-down version of a Mount Wilson or Palomar, with a sliding domed roof and a mechanized chair that would be a pleasure to maneuver.


Robots are good at handling materials that are rigid and easy to lift, cut and maneuver.


Contact with the probe was lost after a maneuver to try to prevent overheating of the ship's antenna.


The next time you can't reach someone by phone, try the Gentleman's Maneuver: Hang up before the beep and send a text instead, Scarsella says.


Rather than a picture of a frightened and frantic existence, I saw a wide winged creature using the air currents to maneuver majestically in the unlimited heights.


It can be an easy but costly maneuver.

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" 'This could have more serious implications in higher-stake scenarios where people are competing to out maneuver one another – in economics or politics, for example.


It's a risky maneuver, but being comfortable in a subtle outfit around people who have put in an effort is an advanced maneuver - not even Silicon Valley, but very French.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(44)

It was trying desperately to maneuver out of the jam, but I didn't let go.

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But most of them lived in areas close to China, where it is easier for smugglers to maneuver, and it is unclear how widely such entertainment has spread.


They -- They maneuver you out of power.


Over 200 bones, all connected together and hinged so we can walk, talk, stand, sit, run, bend, stoop, squat, jump, reach, grasp, point, scratch, eat, push, pull, lift, swim, lie down and perform any other maneuver or contortion you can think of.


But if the bed- making is particularly pathetic, it may be a sabotage maneuver.


Gain From View-Blocking Stance , Try to maneuver your PC in such a way that the screen is visible to others to the least possible degree.

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