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The intensity of her religious disposition, the coercion it exercised over her life, was but one aspect of a nature altogether ardent, theoretic, and intellectually consequent: and with such a nature struggling in the bands of a narrow teaching, hemmed in by a social life which seemed nothing but a labyrinth of petty courses, a walled-in maze of small paths that led no whither, the outcome was sure to strike others as at once exaggeration and inconsistency.


There was a muddled maze of dusty furniture—the breakfast-room furniture from the old home where they had lived all their lives.


When the electrics are shining and the pavements are alive with two hurrying streams of elegantly clothed men and beautiful women attired in the costliest costumes that wind in and out in a close maze of expensively—" "Never knew but one case in Topaz City," said the man from the West.


She was being dragged out into the maze of shouting, stamping, yelling dancers.


All the news that could be gained was that remotenesses of the cavern were being ransacked that had never been visited before; that every corner and crevice was going to be thoroughly searched; that wherever one wandered through the maze of passages, lights were to be seen flitting hither and thither in the distance, and shoutings and pistol-shots sent their hollow reverberations to the ear down the sombre aisles.


Deep within that dark maze where no man or woman had ever survived the Minotaur's savagery, Theseus killed the monster, then followed the gold thread to freedom.


Last month another DeepMind AI system learned to find its way around a maze, in a way that resembled navigation by the human brain.

乔布斯传 第99期:划时代的Mac(2)

Andy Hertzfeld recalled, "This inspired everyone to surround their work area with barricades made out of cardboard, ·:", to provide cover during the game, making part of the office look like a cardboard maze.


Aided by his usual cinematographer, Janusz Kaminski, and by the production designer Adam Stockhausen, he turns a vast virtual landscape of battling avatars into a bustling pop-cultural theme park, an interactive museum of late-20th- and early-21st-century entertainment, a maze of niche tastes, cultish preoccupations and blockbuster callbacks.


– and to whisk him and the IMF crew through a maze of intrigue we don't get lost in.


So turbulent my world in this intangible maze, Lost in the illusion, youthful purity faded.


It made going into the Maze less fearful and more enjoyable.


" "It's MAZE time!


That evening, as they gathered in a hotel lounge, they began to kid each other about finding their "Cheese" and seeing themselves in the Maze.


He continued on through the Maze with greater strength and speed.


He decided to proceed into the more unknown parts of the Maze, and found little bits of Cheese here and there.


Haw hadn't found any Cheese yet, but, as he ran through the Maze, he thought about what he had already learned.


It Is Safer To Search In The Maze Than Remain In A Cheseless Station .


As he returned to the farthest point he had reached in the Maze, he missed his friend, but realized he liked what he was discovering.


Then he raced through the Maze with greater strength and agility.

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