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Any stranger peeping into the office at that moment might have wondered what was the drama between the indignant man of business, and the fine-looking young fellow whose blond complexion was getting rather patchy as he bit his lip with mortification.


" Rosamond's cheeks by this time were persistently burning, and she felt much mortification.


Casaubon; he was only shocked that Dorothea was under a melancholy illusion, and his mortification lost some of its bitterness by being mingled with compassion.


And," she added, after hesitating a little, with a rising sob of mortification, "necklaces are quite usual now; and Madame Poincon, who was stricter in some things even than you are, used to wear ornaments.


But there is in my nature a strain of asceticism, and I have subjected my flesh each week to a more severe mortification.


Catherine could have raved at the hand which had swept away what must have been beyond the value of all the rest, for the purposes of mere domestic economy; and would willingly have been spared the mortification of a walk through scenes so fallen, had the general allowed it; but if he had a vanity, it was in the arrangement of his offices; and as he was convinced that, to a mind like Miss Morland's, a view of the accommodations and comforts by which the labours of her inferiors were softened, mu


Catherine, with a blush of mortification, left the house.


This compliment, delightful as it was, produced severe mortification to the lady; and in giving her denial, she expressed her sorrow on the occasion so very much as if she really felt it, that had Thorpe, who joined her just afterwards, been half a minute earlier, he might have thought her sufferings rather too acute.


" "Vanilla," said Anne, her face scarlet with mortification after tasting the cake.


It was almost as bad as a take-notice and Anne's mortification was as evident as Gilbert's satisfaction.


Chester Ross just looked at me and I thought I would sink through the floor with mortification.

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There was the mortification of beinggreeted by a butler who ceremoniously carried my tatty luggage —a fewthings stuffed into a plastic bag —to the suite ofrooms to which I'd been allocated.

一千零一夜:Noureddin and the Fair Persian

When his wife was at length sufficiently calm to inform him of what had happened, his rage and mortification knew no bounds.

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