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Marriage, which has been the bourne of so many narratives, is still a great beginning, as it was to Adam and Eve, who kept their honeymoon in Eden, but had their first little one among the thorns and thistles of the wilderness.


If they who believe in Strickland's greatness are right, the personal narratives of such as knew him in the flesh can hardly be superfluous.

英语世界文摘:Five Reasons to Explore Mars

We have constructed elaborate religious and philosophical narratives around this assumption and built our identity along the notion that life is unique to Earth.


"We pave the way, we create new narratives, we shatter the stereotypes and we move forward.


" Howe recommends that we try to "question our own narratives" about what the breakup reveals about us in order to have an easier time coping.


A source said: 'We're doing work on branch narratives so you are actually making choices as you watch.


But randomness often plays out in subtle ways, and it's easy to construct narratives that portray success as having been inevitable.


Addiction, disconnection from relationships in the real world and alienation from the environment are often side effects in narratives about virtual reality.


It built emotional narratives around its contestants and their struggles, and the weekly performances provided the soundtrack.


There are also questions over whether some of the numbers used to support the more confident narratives over the renminbi truly reflect reality.


So how to understand the narratives of our lives?


And on average, physicians wait just 18 seconds before interrupting patients' narratives of their symptoms.


" Public narratives about a career make a difference.


In his survey of the subject, Stephen Cave, a British philosopher, argues that man's various tales of immortality can be boiled down into four basic "narratives".


The narratives vary from the personal to the collective, but individual memories are often used to tap into universal themes.

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