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She carried the leather box containing the amethysts, and a tiny ornamental basket which contained other boxes, and laying them on the chair where she had been sitting, she said, with perfect propriety in her air— "This is all the jewellery you ever gave me.


Garth, with her sleeves turned above her elbows, deftly handling her pastry—applying her rolling-pin and giving ornamental pinches, while she expounded with grammatical fervor what were the right views about the concord of verbs and pronouns with "nouns of multitude or signifying many," was a sight agreeably amusing.


Travellers did not often carry full information on Christian art either in their heads or their pockets; and even the most brilliant English critic of the day mistook the flower-flushed tomb of the ascended Virgin for an ornamental vase due to the painter's fancy.


The influence of fresh objects and fresh air, however, was of great use in dissipating these embarrassing associations; and, having reached the ornamental part of the premises, consisting of a walk round two sides of a meadow, on which Henry's genius had begun to act about half a year ago, she was sufficiently recovered to think it prettier than any pleasure-ground she had ever been in before, though there was not a shrub in it higher than the green bench in the corner.


"It was a beautiful bush and quite ornamental.


The exquisite sculptures on the bridge and its ornamental columns demonstrate a practical application of the aesthetic principles of unity and variation which are a great attraction to this day.


"We have selected more than 1,000 flowers from abroad, which adapt to Beijing's climate and have high ornamental value," said Yu Xuebin, deputy general manager of Beijing Landscape and Forestry Group.


Species of insects and plants have been found as fossils in this yellowish to brownish amber, and deeply colored, translucent pieces are used in making jewelry and ornamental objects.


Based on preliminary1 evaluations of the use of common indoor plants for indoor air purification and revitalization, ALCA joined NASA to fund a study using about a dozen popular varieties of ornamental plants to determine their effectiveness in removing several key pollutants associated with indoor air pollution.


Both are of practical and ornamental uses.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 26

I ain't partic'lar as a rule, and I don't take no blame for settling his hash, but I don't reckon him ornamental now, do you?

安徒生童话英文版:The Bottle Neck

It stood in a distant walk certainly, but a place pleasant for contemplation; and it carried a light; and was at once useful and ornamental.

安徒生童话英文版:The Shirt-Collar

I see that you are useful, as well as ornamental, my little lady.

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