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The meteorological company Weathernews says that more than 300 individuals in Tokyo have reported autumnal blossoms, although it's not clear the extent to which these reports overlap.

研究表明 幼童与类人猿有96%的动作相同

And while apes have over 80 gestures, which they use to communicate with each other, researchers were surprised by the overlap between young tots and chimpanzees.

米歇尔·奥巴马旅游日志: 游览长城

It is not a single, uninterrupted wall, but rather a series of smaller walls which sometimes overlap and run parallel to each other.

乔布斯传 第91期:伟大的艺术家窃取灵感(3)

" One of Atkinson's amazing feats (which we are so accustomed to nowadays that we rarely marvel at it) was to allow the windows on a screen to overlap so that the "top" one clipped into the ones "below" it.

乔布斯传 第16期:上学(4)

It was a time when the geek and hippie worlds were beginning to show some overlap.


If the pattern continues, they will regularly overlap with the salmon by 2070.


The first flower is reconstructed with petal-like structures arranged in a whorl, so each petal appears in the same plane, like a common lily (but with more whorls), rather than in a spiral, where petals overlap in a spiral arrangement around the stem, like a lotus.

女生在一起久了 大姨妈真的会同步

In other words, synchrony - or the overlap of cycles between females - is best explained by chance.


The researchers found that a meaningful life and a happy life overlap in certain ways, but are essentially different.


Another logic puzzled candidates were given to solve was: 'How many times a day do the hands of a clock overlap?


But, rather than dwelling on that, use your time in this position as an opportunity to figure out where the overlap is between your interests and your strengths.


Silk 《》 Barristers, the laws, the ethical dilemmas, "the overlap between the personal and the professional", "principles fought for and principles sacrificed"… Silk is another popular British TV drama.


'Our research shows that beliefs about what it takes to 'think creatively' overlap substantially with the unique content of male stereotypes,' says lead researcher Devon Proudfoot at Duke University.


While both Vanke and Wanda are investing heavily overseas, the two have little overlap inside China.


When equal parts of all three of these primary colored beams of light overlap, the mixture appears white to the eye.

反观内心 远离令人绝望的事

Nafisi's new book is essentially a family memoir, but in the tumult of Iran, her story and the nation's overlap.


But, other studies have shown that guilt and shame, which are clinically different concepts but often overlap, can play huge roles in both starting and maintaining dating-type relationships, too.


There is some overlap but, in essence, these are separate phenomena, with their own emotional and motivational systems, and accompanying chemicals.


Look for places where interests overlap if any exist.

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