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She entertained no visions of their ever coming into nearer union, and yet she had taken no posture of renunciation.


Whatever the words might be, the tone seemed like a dismissal; and quitting his leaning posture, he walked a little way towards her.


"I felt some uneasiness in a reclining posture.


The statue of Diana on the tower of the Garden—its constancy shown by its weathercock ways, its innocence by the coating of gold that it has acquired, its devotion to style by its single, graceful flying scarf, its candour and artlessness by its habit of ever drawing the long bow, its metropolitanism by its posture of swift flight to catch a Harlem train—remained poised with its arrow pointed across the upper bay.

英语世界文摘:What Is Cloud Computing?

Security Many cloud providers offer a broad set of policies, technologies and controls that strengthen your security posture overall, helping protect your data, apps and infrastructure from potential threats.

时尚双语:穿上新型人字拖 胖腿烦恼去无踪

"Every step you take in your FitFlops improves your core muscle strength and encourages better posture and burns calories.


A tall posture and even stretching can help people feel a surge of power -- and confident people take advantage of those little adjustments.


" I demo'd Tempo this week and found the in-home convenience, motivational on-screen personal trainers, and the real-time posture corrections gave me the confidence to lift weights without the fear of injury.


Option 1: upright sitting : This is probably the posture you think of as "good" posture.


A new study published in the Journal of Consumer Research finds posture impacts taste perception, with food tasting better when you're sitting down.


Stiffening or closed-in body posture You know what YOU do in uncomfortable situations.


Rebecca Romijn "Sometimes you have to fake confidence, posture, or a smile—fake it until you make it!


The secret of flowers, I think, is to present spring with a fragrant posture, to display her born beauty at the cost of life during each life cycle, to fade away and turn into spring mud silently when conceiving fruits, and to foster new lives with the maternal gentleness.


However a woman who maintains the right posture and is able to carry her body beautifully as she walks, can make herself look really sexy.


Good body shape and posture .

冲破习惯 才能开始新的生活

All this time he thought his face was lopsided in some way when in effect, it was his posture.


They also said that poor posture and age can contribute to the likelihood of developing a double chin.


" She recommends sleeping with an open posture instead as it helps to open up the lung area, allowing people to take deep breaths.


The issue: Poor posture can put you in a lousy mood and make you feel more stressed and depressed.


, Because you hit the ground with the ball of your foot when unshod, you actually have better running posture.

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