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He was good at diagnosis by observing the patients' facial complexion and feeling their pulse, proficient in acupuncture and in understanding the properties of medicines.

东契奇 下一个独行侠天之骄子?

He demands time on the ball, able to be a playmaker for his side and possesses a proficient shot from deep.

马努退役 德罗赞能带马刺走多远?!

This is who DeRozan is, a proficient scorer in spite of the revolution around him.

双语:研究显示 想学外语到18岁都不算晚

In one of the largest linguistics studies ever conducted—a viral internet survey that drew two thirds of a million respondents—researchers from three Boston-based universities showed children are proficient at learning a second language up until the age of 18, roughly 10 years later than earlier estimates.


The changes will also require applicants to be more proficient in English, undergo a criminal check, and be subject to labour market testing.


"Chinese proficient in local languages and cultures are lacking in some participating countries of the Belt and Road Initiative," said Guo Wei, an official in the publicity department of BFSU.


Now you should be fairly proficient with your cell phone and in using a computer, but there are just some things that no one gets right.


The choice between continuing to do only those things in which one is proficient and striking out into new, unfamiliar territory is difficult.


One of the most proficient predators in tropical and subtropical waters around the world, the barracuda reaches a top speed of 47 miles per hour.


Whether it is to chant things to express one's aspirations or describe the scenery to give vent to one's feelings, the writer is expected to be very good at summarization, and proficient in Chinese so as to produce a couplet in a few characters, which is excellent in both content and language, full of aesthetic beauty, and thought-provoking.


I've become proficient at jumping through messages quickly, but there's one thing I've mastered even more than that: spotting a lack of confidence.


Proficient in a foreign language and overseas education background will be advantage to students in social competition.


According to employers, a lack of reading and writing skills is one of the top shortcomings in new hires, giving proficient readers a better shot at getting hired.


Zhou Yu, chief commander of Wu, was talented and proficient in strategies and tactics but was narrow-minded and intolerant of others.


While it was tough to realize that I was not the financial genius I imagined myself to be and that my unfounded bravado had not fooled anyone, it also taught me to be humble and recognize that I had a lot more work to do to become proficient in my field.

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