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Kneading is a weird cat quirk.


It reflects an odd psychological quirk about human behavior: "People are much more motivated to avoid losing $100 than they are to gain $100, even though, economically, they are flip sides of the same coin," Halpern noted.


The traditional US restaurant industry bypasses regulation because of a local quirk: no one dares not to tip a minimum 20 per cent of the bill.


She said the evidence wasn't conclusive enough that it was life and not a geologic quirk.


Then you'll grin, thinking about a cute personality quirk of this person, and before long, you're fantasizing about how great your sex life used to be.


He said there was no clear reason why some people suffered from travel sickness more than others, calling it a 'quirk of development'.

女生在一起久了 大姨妈真的会同步

There is now overwhelming evidence to suggest that menstrual synchrony in humans is no more than a quirk derived from a study using flawed methods that has since turned into an urban myth.


However, while the vocal quirk hasn't done Kim Kardashian's career any harm, many believe it carries negative connotations.


) Sure, the way he slurps his spaghetti like a child or the way she always takes 20 minutes to order might become an endearing quirk later on.


It's possible that this is because they don't drink as much as they think they're drinking, or it could be because of some as yet unknown genetic quirk.


Hollywood's summer, which was one week longer this year because of a calendar quirk, has historically accounted for up to 40 percent of annual domestic ticket sales.

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