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It is undeniable that but for the desire to be where Dorothea was, and perhaps the want of knowing what else to do, Will would not at this time have been meditating on the needs of the English people or criticising English statesmanship: he would probably have been rambling in Italy sketching plans for several dramas, trying prose and finding it too jejune, trying verse and finding it too artificial, beginning to copy "bits" from old pictures, leaving off because they were "no good," and observi


Garth was not at the office, and Fred rode on to his house, which was a little way outside the town—a homely place with an orchard in front of it, a rambling, old-fashioned, half-timbered building, which before the town had spread had been a farm-house, but was now surrounded with the private gardens of the townsmen.


He had travelled in his younger years, and was held in this part of the county to have contracted a too rambling habit of mind.


In her rambling and her idleness she might only be a caricature of herself; but in her silence and sadness she was the very reverse of all that she had been before.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER I

Rachel set out; she had not far to go; the big, rambling, orchard-embowered house where the Cuthberts lived was a scant quarter of a mile up the road from Lynde's Hollow.


His eyes were fixed 'way up in the air, and he was using rambling words to himself all about sweet music and beautiful streets and white-robed forms, and he was smiling like dying was a pleasure.


" Standing at a table in the centre of the stage, with his friends grouped about him, he delivers that inimitable, rambling, character monologue so famous in "A Magnolia Flower," at the same time that he deftly makes juleps for the party.


Roaring Abel's rambling, tumble-down old house was situated about three miles from the village, on the very edge of "up back," as the sparsely settled, hilly, wooded country around Mistawis was called vernacularly.

旅游英语:青海 Qinghai

With its famed pond-Heavenly Lake, waterfalls and visible wildlife, it is an idea for rambling and camping.

Account of My Travels 游历记述

This rambling propensity strengthened with my years.


" However, she advises students to avoid rambling: "Some try to tell you their life story," she continues, "sometimes this can be quite useful, but it needs to be relevant rambling, it needs to tell admissions tutors why you have decided on a particular subject.


It is not intended to turn them all into identical tub-thumpers and rambling toastmasters, but to make them more realised versions of themselves.


—— : Sorry, I'm just rambling.


Keep the story concise and avoid rambling.


Wearing unprofessional clothes, and giving a disjointed, rambling, or off-the-cuff rationale for your raise does not impress.

7个错毁了你的面试 连自己都不知道

1) Giving long-winded, rambling answers 1).

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(105)

" I was rambling and I knew it.


Walkers, a category that includes those who enjoy rambling, orienteering and trekking, are least concerned about material possessions and like their own company.


Avoid rambling, which may lead to awkward and unproductive pauses.


That day he found two sacks, which he took to the rambling wooden factory and sold to the man in charge of packing nails.

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