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This delicate-looking man, himself nervously perturbed, found the needed stimulus in his strenuous circumstances, and through that difficult night and morning, while he had the air of an animated corpse returned to movement without warmth, holding the mastery by its chill impassibility, his mind was intensely at work thinking of what he had to guard against and what would win him security.


Casaubon had himself often pointed to—needed for their correction that more strenuous position which his relative's generosity had hitherto prevented from being inevitable.


No animal, according to the rules of animal-etiquette, is ever expected to do anything strenuous, or heroic, or even moderately active during the off-season of winter.


And now, veteran that he was of his country's strenuous times, he had been reduced to abject surrender by a woman's soft eyes and smiling lips.


Bellmore was one of the younger matrons, whose beauty, descent, and wealth gave her a reserved seat in the holy of holies that required no strenuous bolstering.


What's also intriguing is that this study did not find a significant association between the level of physical activity and thickness of this brain region, suggesting that exercise, even strenuous exercise, may not be enough to protect you from the harmful effects of sitting.


Vigorous-intensity exercise includes jogging or running, carrying heavy groceries or taking a strenuous fitness class, the panel said.


A wind comes from behind you and makes the strenuous task simple-you could ride forever, run forever, what was impossible now seems a cinch?


Not all dieting is bad, but a strenuous one can potentially cause intense cravings that lead to over-indulgence, overeating, and feelings of guilt.


Physical activity was split into light (the equivalent of walking slowly), moderate (a brisk walk), and vigorous (a strenuous run).


AIR pollution levels in Beijing have hit dangerous levels in recent days, with smog drastically reducing visibility and authorities warning people to stay indoors and avoid strenuous exercise.


What's also intriguing is that this study did not find a significant association between the level of physical activity and thickness of this brain region, suggesting that exercise, even strenuous exercise, may not be enough to protect you from the harmful effects of sitting.


However, following the death of a few men who died while out on a run, the media suggested jogging might be too strenuous for middle aged people, casting doubts over the past-time.


But prolonged strenuous activity could make you between two and six times more likely to succumb to upper respiratory infections.


Physical activity was split into light (the equivalent of walking slowly), moderate (a brisk walk), and vigorous (a strenuous run).


" Although the study did not speculate why treadmill running appears to be less strenuous, previous research suggests the moving belt of a treadmill propels joggers forward, causing them to move faster.


But prolonged strenuous activity could make you between two and six times more likely to succumb to upper respiratory infections.


One caveat: Some trainers say they don't like it when their clients train on a poor night's sleep, so your best bet here is light exercise — nothing too strenuous, please!


While the measured kidney injury resolved within two days of running the marathon, the researchers said the study still raises questions about the effects of repeated strenuous activity over time, especially in warm climates.


I suggest you to try less strenuous yoga poses and exercises to relax and de-stress.

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