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Their natural antipathy of temperament made resentment an easy passage to hatred, and in Philip the transition seemed to have begun; there was no malignity in his disposition, but there was a susceptibility that made him peculiarly liable to a strong sense of repulsion.


Foreseeing, to men of Bulstrode's anxious temperament, is often worse than seeing; and his imagination continually heightened the anguish of an imminent disgrace.


Vincy listened in profound surprise without uttering even an exclamation, a silence which in his impatient temperament was a sign of unusual emotion.


And Will was of a temperament to feel keenly the presence of subtleties: a man of clumsier perceptions would not have felt, as he did, that for the first time some sense of unfitness in perfect freedom with him had sprung up in Dorothea's mind, and that their silence, as he conducted her to the carriage, had had a chill in it.


I think that the rare Englishmen who have this gesture are never of the heavy type—for fear of any lumbering instance to the contrary, I will say, hardly ever; they have usually a fine temperament and much tolerance towards the smaller errors of men (themselves inclusive).


It requires the feminine temperament to repeat the same thing three times with unabated zest.

迷人四月天:Chapter 3

Without the least trouble and at once she had got him placed in his proper category: he was an artist and of an effervescent temperament.


In one of the essays, entitled "The Story of the House without Anger", he said, "Though I am over forty, I have not yet learned to control my emotions, nor have I succeeded in changing my temperament.


Not everyone is doing so properly and paying attention to temperament and health.


Not everyone is doing so properly and paying attention to temperament and health.

精品文摘:Fragrance to know people, light aloof

A true friend, has nothing to do with the matter, and unrelated to the interests that it is a tacit understanding on the soul, is on a congenial temperament, is Xinyu Xin dependencies.


It noted that summer babies were much more likely to exhibit cyclothymic temperament, which includes frequent mood swings between happy and sad, than winter babies.


All dogs, regardless of their temperament or training, can at times want more space.


And the one sentence which impressed me the most is the following: : Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing.


The Capricorn woman is rather masculine in her appearance, and in her temperament as well.


Only by coordinating with one another can they compose temperament, and only by being orderly can they play harmonious and pleasant music.


Terence Davies's blithely unconventional biopic glides through Dickinson's life with poetic compression and musical grace, illuminating both her temperament and the austere, intellectually intense 19th-century New England environment that nurtured and constrained her gifts.


Concentrate on fruits and vegetables, and for exercise, yoga by far suits your temperament well.


Not everyone is doing so properly and paying attention to temperament and health.


" Other people wonder at your mellow temperament and seemingly-endless energy, and they're happy to come to you for solutions to problems they're overwhelmed by.

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