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I had brought some of my nicest books for him: he asked me to read a little of one, and I was about to comply, when Earnshaw burst the door open: having gathered venom with reflection.


It was the first time he had encountered an open expression of scorn from any man higher than Raffles; and with that scorn hurrying like venom through his system, there was no sensibility left to consolations.


He has neither venom nor doubleness in him, and those often go with a more correct outside.


Casaubon hated him—he knew that very well; on his first entrance he could discern a bitterness in the mouth and a venom in the glance which would almost justify declaring war in spite of past benefits.


Too languid to sting, he had the more venom refluent in his blood.


The job of a snake milker is to collect the venom of poisonous snakes in jars for use in anti-venoms and other medication.


Then Jones felt that the People's Temple would come to an end,and he ordered that every member should commit suicide by drinking a kind of venom.


The first of these was Venom, which came out in October, and next up is Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, one of the few superhero films to be animated rather than live-action.


And now, it's time for Venom, a character who first appeared in the 2007 Spider-Man 3 movie, to take the spotlight.

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A single gram of snake venom can bring in 3,000-5,000 yuan and many restaurants use snake meat as ingredients for cooking.


A protein in spider venom may help protect the brain from injury after a stroke, according to research.


,《3》《1》,《2》 Spiderman 3 involves Venom which then consumed Spider Man.


The Hamstra findings also suggest that the more of a mismatch there is, the more strongly your venom will flow toward this person.


Japan – giant hornet, blue-ringed octopus - 、 The Japanese hornet is a fearsome insect, killing up to 40 people a year, while the blue-ringed octopus carries enough venom to kill 26 adult humans.


"There has been snail cream and snake venom lotion.

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' But he didn't get much further: Local villagers, eager to uphold the religious taboos, didn't allow him to collect venom samples and prevented him from taking one of the snakes to Calcutta for examination.

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