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Would you turn all the youth of the world into a tragic chorus, wailing and moralizing over misery?


There's a white lady walks along the brook just about this time of the night and wrings her hands and utters wailing cries.


Some nights the whole outer world seemed given over to the empery of silence; then came nights when there would be a majestic sweep of wind in the pines; nights of dear starlight when it whistled freakishly and joyously around the Blue Castle; brooding nights before storm when it crept along the floor of the lake with a low, wailing cry of boding and mystery.


The most haunting time at which to see them is at the turn of the moon, when they utter strange wailing cries; but the lagoon is dangerous for mortals then, and until the evening of which we have now to tell, Wendy had never seen the lagoon by moonlight, less from fear, for of course Peter would have accompanied her, than because she had strict rules about every one being in bed by seven.


Of course she could not answer yet, being still in a frightful faint; but from overhead came a wailing note.


I have felt winds straight from the South Pole, bleak and wailing like a lost child; winds as tender and warm as a lover's breath; winds that carried the astringent smell of salt and the death of seaweeds; winds that carried the moist rich smell of a forest floor, the smell of a million flowers; fierce winds that churned and moved the sea like yeast; or winds that made the waters lap at the shore like a kitten.


But he took a drop from her flask, and though he said it was beastly stuff (the smell in the cabin when she opened it was delicious) it is certain that his face came the right colour a few moments after he had swallowed it, and he must have felt better because, instead of wailing about the storm and his head, he began demanding to be put ashore and said that at the first port he would "lodge a disposition" against them all with the British Consul.


Sweet funeral bells from some incalculable distance, wailing over the dead that die before the dawn, awakened me as I slept in a boat moored to some familiar shore.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(110)

Farzana stayed in the hut all day and wailed--it is a heartbreaking sound, Amir jan, the wailing of a mother.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(76)

THE REST OF THAT RIDE is scattered bits and pieces of memory that come and go, most of it sounds and smells: MiGs roaring past overhead; staccatos of gunfire; a donkey braying nearby; the jingling of bells and mewling of sheep; gravel crushed under the truck's tires; a baby wailing in the dark; the stench of gasoline, vomit, and shit.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(50)

I fall and lie panting on the snow, lost in the white, the wind wailing in my ears.

杜甫: 兵车行

Go to the Blue Sea, look along the shore At all the old white bones forsaken -- New ghosts are wailing there now with the old, Loudest in the dark sky of a stormy day.


'There was wailing.

英语小说:Between Rounds

But a loud, wailing scream downstairs caused both her and Mr.

格林童话英文版:Gambling Hansel

" - "Ah, there is quite enough weeping and wailing here without him.

格林童话英文版:The Two Brothers

And when he had lighted a fire, he heard someone wailing above him, oh, oh, oh, how cold I am.

安徒生童话英文版:A Story from the Sand-Hills

Evening came; there was a swelling roar in the air, a wailing or moaning like the voices of despairing spirits, that sounded above the thunder of the waves.

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