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Casaubon put the case was this:—"In marrying Dorothea Brooke I had to care for her well-being in case of my death.


I do wish people would behave like gentlemen," said the good baronet, feeling that this was a simple and comprehensive programme for social well-being.


To the young people who wanted to destroy themselves is by trying to damage their well-being, in a way, health will be put to danger.


According to the Book of Poems,1 "When the ruler shows his anger, the rebellion of his subjects will quickly stop; when the ruler creates public well-being, the rebellion of his subjects will quickly end.


"If we want to understand the relationship between tech and well-being today, we need to first go back and look at historic data–as far back as when parents were concerned too much TV would give their kids square eyes–in order to bring the contemporary concerns we have about newer technologies into focus," says lead study author Matti Vuorre, a postdoctoral researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute, in a media release.


Thousands of national lawmakers and political advisors will gather in Beijing for this important political meeting that covers every aspect of China's development and the people's well-being.


Firms without so much wiggle room can still allow individuals to make their own day-to-day or hour-to-hour choices—and that can make a big difference to well-being.


Studies have shown that putting the well-being of others before our own without expecting anything in return, or what is called being altruistic, stimulates the reward centers of the brain.


Meanwhile, deep actors tend to achieve improved well-being most frequently.


Data from more than 17,000 teenagers show little evidence of a relationship between screen time and well-being in adolescents.


Rather, there seems to be something about marriage itself that boosts both men's and women's feelings of well-being in life.


New study charting Britain's well-being revealed women are happier than men.

Born to Win 生而为赢

Their responses are related to the message sent and preserve the significance, worth, well-being, and dignity of the people involved.

The World as I See It 我的世界观

But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people -first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy.


A recent Gallup poll, quoted in The Atlantic, found that "well-being rises with income at all levels of income, across countries.


Success, even in a demanding job, can enhance well-being.


"Beyond the displacement of forests and the effects on water retention, the high use of agricultural chemicals and the large volumes of wood needed to pack and ship avocados are other factors that could have negative effects on the area's environment and the well-being of its inhabitants," the organisation explained.


Japan has a culture of long working hours, but even in this generally tough and stressful working environment some companies stand out because of the complete disregard for their employees' well-being.

日本劳动节变“黑色假日” 让你体验给坏老板打工是什么感觉

Japan has a culture of long working hours, but even in this generally tough and stressful working environment some companies stand out because of the complete disregard for their employees' well-being.


"By offering free admission to a safe, welcoming place, a relaxing, revitalizing experience, a moment of respite, and an opportunity to strengthen ties with loved ones, MMFA-MFdC Museum Prescriptions contribute to the patient's well-being and recovery," explains a press release from the MMFA.

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