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The only caveat here is that there is such thing as too much of a good thing.


Their legal department made them add the "when properly hog-tied" as a caveat.


Another caveat: Erythritol can cause bloating and gas in some people.


An important caveat, says Farchione, is that this varies by personality.


Caveat: Humans and mice may have differing capacities for the absorption, distribution and excretion of ursolic acid, researchers said.


Caveat: Researchers didn't analyze lung tissue from subjects.


One caveat: Some trainers say they don't like it when their clients train on a poor night's sleep, so your best bet here is light exercise — nothing too strenuous, please!


Her caveat: mixed teams work only when a critical mass of the minority is present — perhaps making up at least a third of the group.


There is just one caveat: Downing a whopping 8,000 mg of vitamin C—the equivalent of 64 glasses of juice—at the first sign of symptoms might make you feel better, according to the review.


Her caveat: mixed teams work only when a critical mass of the minority is present — perhaps making up at least a third of the group.


A caveat: the study used rodents, not people (for obvious reasons), and in general in science, just because something happens to mice during a study doesn't mean it will be the same for humans.


But there's a caveat here, in that the authors of this study contend the link between genetics and a predisposition toward feeling isolated isn't as strong as others have claimed.


However, the products come with a caveat: people with pacemakers shouldn't use them because the electromagnetic fields may interfere with the pacemakers.


In terms of colours, the caveat is to not oversaturate.

家里Wi-Fi信号差 可能是路由器惹的祸

One caveat: If you use a slower Internet service like DSL, you can probably hold on to a router for longer than three years.


Caveat emptor.

约翰塔夫脱的天气论: 气候影响商业

Leaving aside that caveat, the question of how climate affects our cultural patterns is an issue that is worth pondering — particularly in North America.


" Why: Anything with a caveat like this is rude.

运动之前蒸桑拿 可以让你更健康

One important caveat: while saunas are generally considered safe for most athletes, people with heart conditions and pregnant women should consult a doctor before trying their benefits.

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