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绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 32

But I suppose you'll have to cram in the evenings.


·As you have consolidated all the information you need for this chapter, periodically review the Sheet/Map so that at test time you will not have to cram.


'Oshiyas' are hired to help cram as many people onto a train as possible by pushing them from the outside until the doors will close.


You can't spend the majority of your time on one and then cram the other into the few remaining moments of your day.


A key factor was how Apple had managed to cram a bigger screen into a slightly smaller body.

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Students apparently can't bear the homework form by both the school and the cram school.


As a result, when glass is evenly squeezed from all sides – as it would be under the ocean – the molecules cram closer together and form a tighter structure.

小故事背诵达人第22篇:Free Ride

The mathmaticians take their respective seats, ,, but all three engineers cram into a restroom and close the door behind them.


Others cram into basement rooms underneath expensive apartment blocks and shopping malls.


"It's a bit hellish thinking I have to do this for one more week," said 20-year-old Cho Hyun-lee, studying at one of Seoul's largest cram schools to take the test again after last year.


Many employees these days eat lunch at their desks, because it seems like a harmless way to cram more work into the day.


Stay calm before exams - don't cram, and definitely try not to stress out during exams.


Laura Cram, a professor of politics at Edinburgh University, said that this rise in pro-Europe sentiment could be more about Scots themselves than the benefits they see in maintaining close ties with Brussels.


Groups all over the world are scrambling to find a place to cram all the data we're generating taking selfies, 、,,.


Yet, people cram them full of languages to learn and mountains to trek in a manic attempt to increase the yield on our decreasing amount of leisure time, while their organisations claw back time at the front and back end of a hard-negotiated, and often too-short, time period.


Often, students cram for a test late into the night, and then go to bed with the adrenalin (or caffeine) pumping through their veins.


Former Olympic 1500m silver medallist Steve Cram, who was commentating for BBC Sport, agreed Bolt was the "greatest ever".


You can't spend the majority of your time on one and then cram the other into the few remaining moments of your day.


The cram classes that parents choose for their children are not really the real hobby of their children.


As a result, when glass is evenly squeezed from all sides – as it would be under the ocean – the molecules cram closer together and form a tighter structure.

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