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" Anger brings about a change that is both psychological and physiological.


In other words, our body store both physiological and psychological memories.


In an entrance examination of a conservatory,the teacher asked one boy,"What is the most important physiological quality of a musician" ,:"?


For example, in times of high stress, such as a persistent threat of violence or poor nutrition, physiological changes in the organism can tweak your genes by adding or removing a chemical group that effectively locks them down or opens them up.


'Important life events, such as falling in love, have profound physiological effects as well as emotional ones,' says Professor Sir Cary Cooper, a psychologist at the University of Manchester.

研究发现 练太极拳可降低老年人跌倒风险

'Not falling is a pretty complex physiological behavior,' co-author Dr Peter Harmer, a professor of exercise and health science at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon, told HealthDay.


Cold water will put your body through a number of physiological responses.


"In our future work, we seek to identify which widows/widowers are at greatest risk, and which are resilient to the negative physiological consequences of bereavement.


"The findings provide further evidence for the view that smiles do not necessarily constitute positive nonverbal feedback, and that they may impact social interactions by affecting the physiological reaction of people who perceive them," the authors write.


Pauly did the physiological math, and concluded that bigger gills just won't do the job.


Lead author Manuela Martins-Green said: "Our goal was to determine the minimum amount of time required to cause physiological changes in mice when they are exposed to THS.


" A consistent wake-up time is key for maintaining your circadian rhythms, the patterns in your physiological processes that affect everything from your energy to your immunity, metabolism, even creativity.


"Stress has a physiological effect on your body, by releasing hormones into your bloodstream that accelerate your heart rate and breathing," explains Tim.


'Our goal was to determine the minimum amount of time required to cause physiological changes in mice when they are exposed to THS (third-hand smoke), using an exposure system that mimics human exposure,' said lead author Manuela Martins-Green.


When the child's gaze rested upon the snake or spider, rather than the other animals, their pupils enlarged significantly - a classic physiological signpost that a human is experiencing internal stress.


"Essentially, they are two sides of the same physiological and mental coin.


The study authors wrote: 'A 15 per cent increase in running velocity during a high intermittent intensity treadmill training session is the optimal solution to reach the same physiological responses as an outdoor training session.


He said: 'These physiological differences matter a lot in the work context and we have to understand how it affects teams.


On a physiological level sleep is simple.


"In the long run, we will be able to provide each athlete with bespoke performance products tailored to their individual physiological data and needs on demand," the spokesperson said.

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