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And Lydgate's tendency was not towards extreme opinions: he would have liked no barefooted doctrines, being particular about his boots: he was no radical in relation to anything but medical reform and the prosecution of discovery.


Some Radical fellow speechifying at Middlemarch said Casaubon was the learned straw-chopping incumbent, and Freke was the brick-and-mortar incumbent, and I was the angling incumbent.


Brooke on this occasion little thought of the Radical speech which, at a later period, he was led to make on the incomes of the bishops.


Carrying out this radical and precipitous inspiration he nodded slightly to the stranger as he drew nearer the table.


Later he studied Confucianism, passed his civil service examinations, and attained high office; but because he opposed the radical reforms of the great innovator Wang An-shih(1021~86), he was dismissed from the government.


Ouyang's strong sense of fairness led him to devote separate sections to political outcasts such as martyrs, rebels, and traitors, a radical departure from previous dynastic histories.


Of the multitude of radical ideas that sprang up around the May Fourth Movement appealed most to Ba Jin, which played a large part in the formation of the young Ba Jin's philosophy and political outlook.


Both will help to combat free radical damage, reducing fine lines,wrinkles, and inflammation.


et cats could be banned from a small coastal village of Omaui in New Zealand as part of radical new proposals designed to protect native wildlife.


The superconducting computer could be one of the most radical solutions to an ever-increasing energy demand.


According to researchers at Cornell University, quercetin defends your brain cells from free radical attacks which can damage the outer lining of delicate neurons and eventually lead to cognitive decline.


Both will help to combat free radical damage, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and inflammation.


Every skincare need, that is, as long as it was one of four: normal, oily, dry or (more radical at that time when there really weren't any other options) combination.


Behind the grand plans for a new $500bn city (sorry, "urban metropolis for the world") run by robots and the radical notion of allowing Saudi women to drive for the first time is a degree of old-fashioned religious fanaticism directed against the Shia communities across the region and Iran in particular.


This effect 'appeared within one day' of using the mouthwash, researchers wrote in the journal Free Radical Biology And Medicine at the time.


Samsung has unveiled a radical 9.


Samsung has unveiled a radical 9.


A radical 'artificial egg' made from plants is set to go global after the US firm behind it revealed major backing from Asia's richest man.

谷歌: 我们的广告只有被浏览才收费

Google yesterday became the first large online ad network to charge clients only if their adverts have been seen, in a radical shake-up of pricing that affects more than 2m sites in its display advertising network.


The most radical branch of this new technology is "gene editing" — a process by which our DNA code can be cut and pasted using molecular "scissors" for a variety of applications, including curing diseases such as cancers and HIV.

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