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研究显示 蒸桑拿可以带来类似于锻炼的好处

Scientists analyzed years of data on sauna habits and health outcomes, with subjects typically spending five to 20 minutes in spaces heated to between 175 degrees Fahrenheit and 210 degrees Fahrenheit.

锻炼与改善心理健康有关 但过量就不一定好了

" The study analyzed the exercise habits and mental health of 1.

报告显示 95后平均在职7个月后就离职

The social networking site analyzed the public profiles of 150,000 users and found that first jobs are hardly ideal for many.


They analyzed data about well-being from two national surveys in the United Kingdom and the Gallup World Poll.

新研究指出 人的寿命可能没有上限!

For instance, a team from New York's Albert Einstein College of Medicine analyzed the ages of the world's oldest people and pegged the maximum length of human longevity at somewhere between 115 and 125 years.

你知道吗? 常说这些词的人可能患了抑郁症!

Then software analyzed their language.


For the current study, the researchers analyzed information provided by about 500,000 people, who answered questions about their coffee consumption, smoking and drinking habits, health history and more.


Data on 501 couples who were trying to conceive was analyzed by scientists from the Harvard T.


Researchers at the Medical University of Vienna analyzed the boozing habits and medical records of 611,169 men taken from 17 previous studies.


Syracuse University biologist Holly Root-Gutteridge analyzed recordings of whale calls to see if researchers could use those sounds to identify individual whales.

乔布斯传 第82期:被遗弃者(5)

" He told a reporter for Time, Michael Moritz, that when you analyzed the statistics, it was clear that "28% of the male population in the United States could be the father.


" Next, Piff and Moskowitz created statistical models and then analyzed the relationship between income and each of the seven different emotions underpinning happiness.


They also analyzed how ventilation settings changed those concentrations inside of cars.


The researchers also analyzed other factors that might affect the risk, including obesity, smoking status and physical activity levels.


Scientists analyzed the diets of nearly 50,000 men and discovered that those who ate five servings or more per week of cruciferous veggies were half as likely to develop bladder cancer over a ten-year period as men who rarely ate them.


For the study, the researchers analyzed information from 1,556 US women ages 20 to 44 who took part in a national survey from 1999 to 2002, which involved giving blood samples.


Psychologist Dr Glenn Wilson, who analyzed the results, said: "This study is interesting as it highlights the snap judgments we make as a society about people when we meet them for the first time.


In a previous study, scientists analyzed data from 1,842 adults ages 33 to 84.


To find out more about it, the researchers analyzed the responses of 396 participants, most of whom were heterosexual students in their 20s.


" Holden and his team analyzed the genomes of freeze-dried strains of MRSA bacteria, from the 1960s through the '80s.

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