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'Nevertheless, in the short term, dehydration can leave skin looking pale and sallow, while chronic dehydration can lead to a disruption in skin barrier function and decreased elasticity.


Dodging a chronic problem by telling yourself you'll solve it in the future is another.

关于林肯的五个流言 你知道几个

Lowry in 1998 to make it appear that Lincoln spent his final hours pardoning a soldier for desertion - gives us the opportunity to reconsider the chronic oversimplification of Lincoln's soft touch.


After all, it's harder to be happy when living with chronic pain or illness or when faced with a potentially life-threatening condition.


"Primary care is essentially provided by public providers, specialized family doctors and staff nurses, who provide preventive services to children, women and elderly patients, and acute and chronic care," according to the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies 2018 review of Spain, noting a decline the past decade in cardiovascular diseases and deaths from cancer.


"It is possible that pregnancy, birth and child-rearing can induce chronic stress, leading to shorter telomere length perhaps through an inflammatory pathway," said study researcher Anna Pollack, an assistant professor and environmental and reproductive epidemiologist at George Mason University.


News's panel of experts noted that the Mediterranean Diet earned this year's top spot because research suggests it can help improve longevity and ward off chronic disease.


Especially if they have a chronic illness," says Levy.


'Taken together, these observations may provide at least partial insight as to why chronic sleep loss and shift work can increase the risk of adverse weight gain as well as the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Chronic stress or regular alcohol intake can deplete B vitamins, and you can boost them by eating more vegetables and steaming rather than boiling them.


Until then, it's the chronic roar of ships and boats that Bailey wants people to ponder.


Chronic wounds greatly increase the pain and medical costs of patients.


Especially if they have a chronic illness," says Levy.

全球超九成儿童呼吸有毒空气 可阻碍大脑发育

Children exposed to excessive pollution may also be at greater risk of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease in adulthood.

研究表明 多吃油性鱼类可助降低24%老年疾病

Those with most omega 3 fatty acid in their blood were 24 percent less likely to suffer chronic diseases or mental or physical impairments than those with the least.


One night her mother, who suffered from chronic mental illness disappeared.


Coca-Cola is considering producing a cannabis-infused drink that would help people with chronic pain.


We've also talked about how to fix your own chronic lateness, and you might offer some of that advice to your friends as well—but be sure not to sound like a jerk when you do it.


If you are experiencing chronic constipation, adding these foods to your eating plan will not be enough.

研究发现 睡眠不足竟会导致美国年损4000亿美元

The impact of chronic sleeplessness in the United States far exceeds the costs in other industrialized countries.

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