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《》 A woman looks back on her involvement with a Charles Manson-like cult.


Time, money, distance, cult religions: all noted friendship killers.


"When the original film came out 32 years ago, it too was poorly received and only became a cult hit over time.


I had lunch last week with Carl Pei, the 26-year-old founder of OnePlus, the cult Chinese smartphone maker.


" Much like kindergarten contemporaries North West and Prince George, whose celebrity parents also command a global cult following, Harper has garnered a multimillion-strong army of admiring fans on Instagram and other social media platforms thanks to her impeccable outfits.


A cult leader claimed that he survived on air.


I just joined a cult where we don't believe in any sort of lasting, committed relationships.


Reality TV thrives on the lure of authenticity, and "Idol" married that to the populist cult of the fan.


One evening in the pub, a senior colleague told me his marriage was collapsing because his wife had joined a cult.


Wenjie is an astrophysicist, while Miao is a nanotech engineer, and he's been swept up in a virtual-reality, online video game called Three Body that's so deeply metaphysical, it's begun to resemble a cult.

平底鞋 女性主义的时尚

It now has a cult following — "and we've expanded with styles such as the Vera, Daisy Chain and Hermione", says Simmons.


The word is believed to have been first used in 1992, before being popularised by cult TV cartoon The Simpsons.

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He continued to be cast in little-known movies, although he did presciently play an alien invader in a cult serial called "Zombies of the Stratosphere," and in 1961 he had a minor role on an episode of "The Twilight Zone.

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The 65-year-old, who reportedly spends much of his time in the United States, has a cult following for his intricately-crafted tales of the absurdity and loneliness of modern life, and peppers his work with references to pop culture.


The proliferation of the failure post-mortem has helped create a bizarre cult of failure that seems wrong-headed.


Time, money, distance, cult religions: all noted friendship killers.


The cult of homeownership made no sense.


The Gossip Girl star is rumoured to have turned to cult dating manual 'The Rules' to hook Leonardo di Caprio.


It has become such a cult hit that it has even inspired square-dancing troupes to mimic its music video.

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With the cult attracting thousands of pilgrims, Mushari's priests are eager to maintain their authority -- and the impression that their magic alone can properly treat the frequent snakebites.

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