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The company also will donate 25 million yuan to the China Development Research Foundation, as part of its efforts to help students in the nation's less-developed areas, Cook said at the China Development Forum in Beijing.


In a recent discussion forum, U.


According to the World Economic Forum, the gender gap won't close until 2186.


That's because of the power of the internet and technology," Ma said at the 2017 Fortune Global Forum held in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province.


Li made the remarks at this year's Asia-Pacific Forum on Low Carbon Technology held in Changsha, Hunan.


Since China became an "aging society" in 2000, the elderly population has increased yearly by about 10 million, Zheng Gongcheng, head of the China Association of Social Security, said at a forum.


The move was announced by the International Mind Sports Association (IMSA), during the Global Mind Sports Innovative and Development Forum, which has just drawn to a close in Beijing.


In an interview at the Davos World Economic Forum with Bloomberg TV's Charlie Rose, China's richest man explained how the philosophy of tai chi can be used in business.


•• The confession sparked a debate on the online forum, with some users branding the habit 'gross' while others argued more frequent washes could damage the bra.


" on a forum.


The People's Bank of China issues a set of coins Monday commemorating the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.


Cultural experts have suggested setting up a Chinese equivalent of Mother's Day, during a forum in eastern China's Shandong province.


Fears of a backlash were apparent at this year's World Economic Forum in Davos as executives agonised over how to present AI.


Taking to the online forum, Mumsnet user windygallows, who is in her 40s, said she could see the way some of her friends benefited from having a wealthy husband.


Apple is to set up two more research and development centers in Shanghai and Suzhou, following Beijing and Shenzhen, Apple CEO Tim Cook said at the China Development Forum in Beijing.


The research was published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and funded by the Mobile Manufacturers Forum.

挪威海岸发现死鲸 胃里塞满生活垃圾

A World Economic Forum study also found that there are currently at least 150 million tons of trash in the ocean, NRK reported.


At a forum in Weifang, Shangdong province, wood engraving artists from Taohuawu, Suzhou; Yangliuqing, Tianjin; Weifang, Shandong; and Mianzhu, Sichuan discussed wood engraving pictures' present and future with experts and scholars from the Art Academy of Tsinghua University and the Chinese Arts and Crafts Institute.


Asking for help, especially in such a public forum, is very difficult for both of us.


The index's latest results were released ahead of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland.

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