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Others think Samsung's woes with its exploding Galaxy Note 7 last year could let them in.


But a new dress, created using a 3D printer, may be the answer to every woman's style woes.


Fatty acids: The ingredient ehylhexyl palmitate, a derivative of palm oil, may also be responsible for makeup-induced acne woes.


Burberry's current woes may have nothing to do with Ms Ahrendts.


) Either way, the sight of a US Treasury secretary who once grappled with American subprime housing woes now worrying about Chinese cement is unexpected — and oddly cheering.


Fatty acids: The ingredient ehylhexyl palmitate, a derivative of palm oil, may also be responsible for makeup-induced acne woes.


As biorefineries' financial woes have crept upstream, wholesale grease now sells for less than 20 cents.


To ease these woes, public transport app Citymapper has released a new feature that offers advice on which part of the train to get on to shave time off your journey.


To ease these woes, public transport app Citymapper has released a new feature that offers advice on which part of the train to get on to shave time off your journey.


Sometimes I joy when glad occasion fits, And mask in myrth lyke to a comedy: Soone after when my joy to sorrow flits, I waile and make my woes a tragedy.


Some of this is a simple error: it has been a tough decade, economically speaking, and it is easy to blame robots for woes that should be laid at the door of others, such as bankers, austerity enthusiasts and eurozone politicians.


And with that hope comes the very source of so many of its woes: Silicon Valley.


For while fictional diarists Bridget Jones and Adrian Mole used journals to record their woes and embarrassments, paying attention to the things that lift our moods mean we can learn how to cheer ourselves up, says a leading physicist.


Despite the high hopes, Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said on the sidelines of the parliamentary session that the tax is not a panacea to pollution woes and will not became a major source of government revenue.


" Of the other dating woes, just over a quarter said burping is the most embarrassing date mishap, while one in five women say it's when their date goes in for an unwanted kiss.

十四行诗 Sonnet 30

When to the sessions of sweet silent thought I summon up remembrance of things past, I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought, And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste: Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow, For precious friends hid in death's dateless night, And weep afresh love's long since cancell'd woe, And moan the expense of many a vanish'd sight: Then can I grieve at grievances foregone, And heavily from woe to woe tell o'er The s


We don't want to do this because it's far easier to let someone sit in their woes, and we'd rather just stay out of it.


Keep Personal Life Personal In most modern work environments, the line between friends and co-workers is often blurred, and before you know it, your entire office knows about your marital woes or your chronic insomnia.

李商隐: 风雨

On the surface, I seem to be glad of new people; But doomed to leave old friends behind me, I cry out from my heart for Xinfeng wine To melt away my thousand woes.

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