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Wash your dirty linen at home.


Quality linen thread counts start at 200.


Organize Linen Closet: Sort linens by type, and refold.


/ we'll change the bed linen at once.


" Other items auctioned Saturday included: 24: — a clipping of linen from Lincoln's death bed and stained with Lincoln's blood, for $6,000.

任性单卖白色 卖家年收入过百万

Selling linen and tableware in only one colour may not sound like a million-pound idea.


Anyone who has stayed at tired government-run places with their dodgy plumbing and questionable bed linen will understand my reticence.

林中小屋 The hut in the forest

" Then said the old man, "Just go upstairs, and thou wilt find a room with two beds, shake them up, and put white linen on them, and then I, too, will come and lie down to sleep.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(8)

They were but vaguely conscious of their surroundings; they saw all things dimly, as through a veil; they were steeped in dreams, often they did not hear when they were spoken to; they often did not understand when they heard; they answered confusedly or at random; Sally sold molasses by weight, sugar by the yard, and furnished soap when asked for candles, and Aleck put the cat in the wash and fed milk to the soiled linen.

the Star Talers星星银元

And thus she stood there, with nothing left at all, when suddenly some stars fell down from heaven, and they were nothing else but hard shining talers, and although she had just given her shift away, she was now wearing a new one which was of the very finest linen.


Macy's top towel picks are vanilla, white, linen and chocolate.


Wash your dirty linen at home.


" So they sent for the third girl to see if she would marry King Crin She was obviously quite happy to do so On his wedding night, as usual, King Crin went out to wallow, then ran back inside all muddy to caress his wife She responded with caresses of her own and dried him off with fine linen handkerchiefs, murmuring, "My handsome Crin, my darling Crin, I love you so" King Crin was overjoyed Next morning at the court everybody expected to hear that the third bride had been found dead, but


After that, he put on a shirt made of linen.


(;) 12)Linen I don't want to wash my dirty linen in the public.

英语谚语:谚语大全 26

Wash your dirty linen at home.

The Enchanted Horse

Then, showing him cupboards filled with dresses and linen, they quitted the room.


She worked out ideas for the most efficient way to distribute clean linen, the best method of keeping food hot, the correct number of inches between beds.


Men said they spent 13 hours a week on household chores including cleaning the lavatory, taking out the rubbish and changing the bed linen.

一千零一夜:Seventh and Last Voyage

Fifty robes of rich embroidery, a hundred of the finest white linen from Cairo, Suez, Cufa, and Alexandria.

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