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Gurdon's] work we would never have started this risky project 12 years ago,' said Dr.


Your boss might offer you incentives to stay, such as increased salary or a promotion (but, this is a risky game to play).


" For that matter, she thinks VBACs are also too risky to be carried out widely in China, given the need for quick surgery and ample blood supply if labour goes wrong.


The practice allows trusts to evade regulations intended to restrict lending to risky borrowers.


Drones are still risky, and can be dangerous if flown with inexperience, in a bad weather, or illegally.


I never try anything too risky.


" If you want to add a little humour to your interview, which can ultimately be risky, try following jumper34017's advice.


The Bloomberg news service called Google's move into the smartphone market "risky" but said it likely is spurred by the company's desire to "ensure distribution for its web services, and more complex offerings like virtual and augmented reality.


Traveling solo can be intimidating, scary and risky.


And NPR reports that kittens are especially risky because young cats are even more likely to have the bacteria that makes you sick.


For example, investors could interpret the word risky as a perceived chance of failure of anything between 10 and eightysomething per cent.


However, the scarring from a section will make each future pregnancy more risky as it can affect the development of the placenta, resulting in increased risks for the mother of developing major bleeding and hysterectomy, although this is rare.


Not only is this unsanitary and risky for your device, but it's also off-putting to callers to hear a telltale echo or a sudden rush of water.


With its threat of punitive damages through the court system, the US can be a risky place for product experimentation.

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Now there are reports that Uber is raising as much as $2 billion more, but this time it is doing so via the debt market, a somewhat more risky endeavor than the equity or venture-capital markets.


Purchasing a watermelon is kind of a risky investment.


Mother and baby are doing well, but Mr Bouts said the newborn was still in a risky period for any young panda.


One the other hand, computer security engineer David Seidman explains that the chances of being targeted on a random hotspot is unlikely: ,·,: "However, the truth is that most users will never be targeted because such an operation is risky and, more importantly, time consuming for the attacker, because the attacker needs to be physically present.


If you have an inclination to take a risky job, move somewhere new, or deviate from your path--now is the time to do it.

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" Political leaders or people of power may make risky or unethical decisions as a result of narcissism, while narcissistic partners could be unfaithful and dishonest.

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