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绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER I

"Well, Marilla, I'll just tell you plain that I think you're doing a mighty foolish thing—a risky thing, that's what.


raeli inventors have developed a coronavirus mask with a remote control mouth that lets diners eat food without taking it off, a device they say could make a visit to a restaurant less risky.


But while it might be less risky than other tobacco products, it's still not exactly safe.


In the case of Germany, being on-time is a risky enough tactic as your hosts will probably already be there waiting, wondering how on earth you could be so foolish as to allow the possibility of some unforeseen circumstance delay you by so much as a second.


Being a soldier is risky; so is being a drug-dealer or prostitute.

精品英语文摘:Sunday Promise 周日的约定

nbsp;and everyone conceding that it was risky for her to be there alone.


Try something risky like changing careers or quitting your job and working for yourself.


Men who are married drink less, smoke less, eat better, get more sleep, and engage in less risky behavior than their unmarried peers.


Sounds risky to me.


Dads Influence Teens' Sexual Activity Having a strong bond with Dad makes a big difference when it comes to risky teen sexual behavior, according to a study in the journal Pediatrics.


This is OK: This is risky: 5900@ Mike Richmond: Don't take the underground when you could walk.


While women aged 20 or 21 are more fertile and biologically fit, older mothers tend to be more mature and engage in less risky behaviour, and are more settled educationally, financially and emotionally, he said.


Even kissing a girl on a night out could be risky.

大表妹考辛斯 敢问路在何方?

If the experiment never pans out, and Boogie spends the postseason on the bench or barely coming off of it, he may be labeled a risky signing once again.


But knowing which foods are potentially risky can help.


They could also face criminal charges for failing to comply with information requests or other steps the government might take to halt what it deems risky transactions.


As far as the company is concerned, it is risky to give employees a promotion without giving them a raise.


Walking on the streets or taking a cab at night by oneself can be risky, and usually, young women are the most vulnerable at that time.


" Cake smashing can actually be risky on other levels, as well.

小故事背诵达人第5篇:Who's Got Brains?

",, It's an experimental procedure, risky, and you will have to pay for the brain yourselves.

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