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" *Amaranth is a weird word for pink.

乔布斯传 第115期:设计--大道至简(2)

"The current wave of industrial design is Sony's high-tech look, ", which is gunmetal gray, maybe paint it black, do weird stuff to it," he said.


At first, it may seem like a weird addition, especially in something that's carrying a lot of people at a great height, but they're there for a very important reason: to stop the cabin from depressuring.

乔布斯传 第60期:奇迹从车库开始(1)

,", "She just wanted him to be healthy, and he would be making weird pronouncements like, ",,: 'I'm a fruitarian and I will only eat leaves picked by virgins in the moonlight.

乔布斯传 第39期:加盟雅达利(1)

"In retrospect, it was weird to hire a dropout from Reed, " Alcorn recalled.


" It was a weird sort of robbery.

乔布斯传 第19期:上学(7)

His aversion to authority was something he no longer tried to hide, and he affected an attitude that combined wiry and weird intensity with aloof rebelliousness.


Why does it make your stomach feel weird?


These weird behaviors all come from a defensive mechanism that roots in humans' intuition.


I get weird looks from some people and others laugh.


" Lady Dynamite 《》 Things got weird in 2017.


It makes you have weird dreams: In 2015, a pair of Canadian psychologists investigated whether people's eating habits can have a negative effect on sleep patterns and dreaming.


That's why it's not too surprising that some of the most successful executives out there like to ask some pretty weird questions during job interviews.


It's not yet clear how comfortable speaking with this Bane-like mask over your mouth really is, or how effective its speech muffling capability is, so all we know so far is that it makes you look weird.


It would have been weird, otherwise — we had been accidentally shunted out of the main conversational circle (it was a small gathering) and weren't close enough to its center to be able to pretend to listen to what was going on.


She was confused by this weird dream.


On the website, the event is described as follows: "You'll stay for 3 days, full board, and be sorted into your house, take part in lessons, attend a banquet, explore the grounds and meet weird and wonderful creatures.


'It is almost random – you could go through a story in incredibly weird ways,' the source said.


Therefore, there are many things one can do, some of them very weird, others less so, in a drive to achieve greatness.

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