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They are detected roughly 1km away by researchers who, in their day jobs, work on a neutrino collaboration called MINERvA.


The study, carried out by a collaboration of 12 academic research teams and published in Nature, found that British trees are more likely than their continental counterparts to carry genes that protect against ash dieback, a fungal infection with the potential to wipe out 90 per cent of the European ash population.


New reserves of helium discovered 28 June 628 In June this year, a collaboration between universities and industry announced that it had discovered a huge reserve of helium gas in Tanzania, using a new exploration technique.


Advocates talk about the benefits of international collaboration and inspiring the young.


It is particularly smart to focus on bringing together scientists with engineers, to stress the importance of collaboration and sharing data, and to call for more science funding.


Since June, Bai, in collaboration with several ticket scalpers, has been releasing ticketing information for Disneyland tickets on various social networks.

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Zuckerberg and Chan hope that their effort will inspire other far-reaching efforts and collaboration in science, medicine and engineering, so that basic research is no longer relegated to the margins.


Collaboration between VW and JAC could involve development and manufacturing of fully electric vehicles and hybrid models, where power is provided by a combination of batteries and combustion engines.


: Endorsement of landmark G20 Principles on Energy Collaboration.


But the structure, rigour and discipline of systematised collaboration in a team are a prerequisite to much work.


" Marion Gross, senior vice-president of supply chain management, added that planning and collaboration with suppliers were vital so it could be sure the infrastructure was in place to scale up changes to its ingredients.


Apart from the Smog Free Tower, other Roosegaarde projects that are eliciting international interest are the Smart Highway and the Van Gogh Bicycle Path, in collaboration with Heijmans, the Dutch infrastructure services company.


Scientists from the University of Bath, in collaboration with a local cafe, studied the effects of grinding beans at different temperatures—from room temperature all the way down to a chilly -196°C.


"The spirit of the Internet encompasses openness, freedom, collaboration and sharing," said Alibaba Pictures CEO Zhang Qiang.


"This is a very big collaboration agreement between the two companies," Wang Xiang, senior vice president at Xiaomi, said by telephone ahead of the deal.


Toyota said that as patterns of car usage continued to change, it wanted the collaboration to be about more than simply providing vehicles but to also collaborate on technology such as in-car apps.


Experts at the Centre for Diet and Activity Research - a collaboration between the universities of Cambridge and East Anglia - used computer simulations to compare the risks and benefits of exercising in polluted areas around the world.


Solar Bike Path A Dutch company in collaboration with the Dutch Government has created a bike path, which is about 70 meters long.


The product was developed by marketing firm Ogilvy & Mather for KFC Hong Kong, in collaboration with the company that provides KFC's blend of herbs and spices.


com's shirting collaboration with Joseph Altuzarra: an exclusive five-piece collection born out of the fact that the designer's shirt-dresses were forever selling out on the site.

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