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滴滴打车走红 滴滴打人跟风

Chinese news outlets said that people were using the app to offer themselves as thugs for hire, though it was unclear if any such transactions were actually completed.


, Don't touch the electrical outlets.


The former secretary of state will announce her campaign for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination with an online video posted on social media, sources familiar with her plans told media outlets.


For a segment of the audience that had lost its faith in broadcast and print news outlets or never regarded them as sacrosanct in the first place, Mr.

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Yes, McDonald's is the big cheese in this market, with 68 million people served daily in 130 countries, 38,000 outlets, and 2 million employees.


This was thanks to Starbucks, of course, which went from nearly 100 outlets in the United States at the start of the decade to 2,000 at the end.


" Other media outlets, including Bloomberg, have described the coming Lunar New Year as the Year of the Sheep, Goat or Ram.


According to all three outlets, a bigger ceremony is set to take place on Depp's private island in the Bahamas this weekend.

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Many media outlets have talked about her and her poems but their approach has been somewhat complicated.


Houses tend to have more and more electrical outlets, and even though no one seems to know why, babies and toddlers seem to be drawn to them like a moth to the light.

2014年最流行词语出炉 心形符号居首

A heart 'emoji' was the most widely used character in blogs, Twitter and Facebook and in 250,000 global news outlets in the last 12 months, according to analysts.


All of the outlets are already being used by other wary passengers, and yourlaptop needs to be juiced up.


But the boss could not find new outlets for their products .


Fast-food chain Burger King and Dicos, China's third-ranked diner, have said they are removing Shanghai Husi food products from their outlets.


I was on a bus between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur the other day that had power outlets all over the place.

英语名人名言: Hunting 追寻

Barry Lopez, Arctic Dreams Civilized life has altogether grown too tame, and, if it is to be stable, it must provide a harmless outlets for the impulses which our remote ancestors satisfied in hunting.


Despite the high cost and learning curve, some people use 3-D printers for fun, while others use them for educational purposes or as creative outlets.


"The Internet, YouTube, Facebook, these social outlets are really helping fuel the organization and blacksmithing around the world and make it a lot easier for people to find the information, to get involved, to learn," says Anderson.

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On March 31, Willie Myrick was playing outside with his pet Chihuahua when a man grabbed him and forced him into his car, police told local news outlets.

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