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A dog's age in particular had a profound effect on its personality, and while many behaviors can be corrected, those stemming from fear and aggression are more difficult to correct for pet parents.


"Men, judging other men, might be sensitive to the overall level of masculine threat and aggression signaled through full beards," the researchers wrote, according to the website.


Researchers at Yale University describe this phenomenon as "cute aggression.

霍金遗作发售 担忧出现基因改造'超人'

In an extract published by The Sunday Times, he wrote: "I am sure that during this century people will discover how to modify both intelligence and instincts such as aggression.


It's most often associated with excitement, aggression, and assertiveness.


It floods the brain with a chemical which fuels fear and aggression.

名人励志英语演讲 第54期:永不疲惫,永不气馁,永不完竭(5)

We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength.


Renmin University of China(RUC,also known as the People's University of China) is a national key comprehensive re-search-orientated university emphasizing the humanities and social sciences and is also one of the first group of universities admitted to "Project 211"The RUC was former1y known as Shanbei Public School,established in 1937 during the resistance war against Japanese aggression.


Pointed letters are a sign of an intelligent person who might be holding back aggression.


They are also prone to increased aggression and sexual assault against women.


But they also had a negative effect, tending to bring out aggression in some people.


He either has to behave with naked aggression in the industry he knows best or find other outlets for Berkshire's capital.

教育部改教材 八年抗战改为十四年

China's top education authorities said all elementary and middle school history textbooks will be revised to state that the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression lasted for 14 years beginning September 18, 1931.

读新闻坏处太多 少读可能更快乐

The other potential side-effects include fear, aggression, tunnel-vision and desensitisation.


By supporting Nord Stream 2, the EU in effect gives succour to a regime whose aggression it seeks to punish through sanctions.


They found that shorter dogs had higher levels of "owner-directed aggression, begging for food, urine marking and attachment/attention-seeking".


Using motion capture technology, researchers found that movements reveal certain personality traits, such as aggression, agreeableness and extroversion.


Aggression shouldn't force you into bending to the will of others.


No parent in this sample was observed hitting their adolescent, but Schofield said there were other signs of physical aggression, such as pinching and pushing.


don't match any man's aggression or anger.

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