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万物简史 第26期:走进太阳系(4)

Tombaugh had no formal training as an astronomer, but he was diligent and he was astute, ,.


It began as a raunchy sendup of true-crime documentaries, developed into an astute comedy of teen social-media mores and ended up a surprisingly moving study of how pigeonholing kids can set them onto a life path before they have the chance to learn who they really are.


Judy Chu, a human biologist, conducted a two-year study of 4- and 5-year-old boys and found that they were as astute as girls at reading other people's emotions and at cultivating close, meaningful friendships.


" "Our films have experienced considerable success in China and in other markets around the world, and we feel there is significant value in partnering with an astute, experienced and well-connected partner to help us execute our long-term strategy of making commercial movies for the global marketplace.


The ability to manage money "I definitely think students should be financially astute before they get to college and have at least read some books on money management," Bayor says.

《星球大战 原力觉醒》搅局奥斯卡

But as the Bagger's astute pal Kyle Buchanan over at Vulture noted, the Screen Actors Guild Awards — one of the more reliable bellwethers — didn't give much love to the populist blockbusters this year.


If you have astute observational skills, love to travel and sharing, this might be the dream job for you.


Stewart, 52, became the host of "The Daily Show" in 1999, entering with the identity of a hard-working standup, if not necessarily an astute political commentator.

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