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Buffett has many fans in China, which often sends a large contingent to watch him at Berkshire's annual meetings in Omaha, Nebraska.


However, a growing contingent of policymakers have been agitating for a second rate increase since December's rise, fretting that the central bank risks allowing the economy to get too hot and subsequently being forced to tighten more aggressively.

沃尔沃 吉利将用同一家工厂生产汽车

" Mr Li is also among a growing contingent of Chinese executives and policy makers who say the 50 per cent shareholder limit is preventing the Chinese auto industry from moving up the value chain and launching globally competitive marques.

奥运在即 祈祷场馆如期完工

Last week, Australia's contingent of medal hopefuls were left furious after arriving in Rio only to discover that their building in the athletes' village was still unfinished.


Everywhere contingent of parade passed, every family offered sacrifices, burned incenses and candles to worship the Dragon King.


Worries about banks are shown now not only in the price of their stocks, but also dramatically so in the prices of contingent convertible bonds, or cocos .


"The duration of this move in the gold space is really contingent on supply continuing to come down and the gold industry getting more right-sized," he says.


Arnold had become such an important part of our life that when we found out that our family would have to move to another state, we insisted that the contract on our new house be contingent on the homeowners' association approval of Arnold in writing before we would agree to purchasing in our prestigious neighborhood.


Your life choices are contingent upon you — and only you When you're single, your choices completely revolve around you and what you want to do.


There is very little physiological difference between the two, says a growing contingent of experts who claim works stress has an upside.


A few months ago, Sequoia Capital China was part of a large contingent of Chinese entrepreneurs that spent days with executives at Fox,Sony Pictures Entertainment and STX Entertainment.


However, with any deal still contingent on finalising the technical specifications it will be at least a year before any devices supporting the electronic Sim reach the market.


The British RAF base where I was stationed as part of a contingent of USAF personnel had one narrow road winding through the crowded residential area.

旅游热升温 中国游客涌入帕劳

Japanese were traditionally the largest contingent, followed by Taiwanese and Korean visitors.


Be prepared for critiques and criticism; great work is contingent on a willingness to be judged.


Sokol met with Lubrizol's chief executive, James Hambrick, in January to discuss the corporate culture at the two companies, and told him a Berkshire takeover offer would be contingent on Mr.


Arnold had become such an important part of our life that when we found out that our family would have to move to another state, we insisted that the contract on our new house be contingent on the homeowners' association approval of Arnold in writing before we would agree to purchasing in our prestigious neighborhood.


The British RAF base where I was stationed as part of a contingent of USAF personnel had one narrow road winding through the crowded residential area.


Arnold had become such an important part of our life that when we found out that our family would have to move to another state, we insisted that the contract on our new house be contingent on the homeowners' association approval of Arnold in writing before we would agree to purchasing in our prestigious neighborhood.


In December 1941 after the fall of Hong Kong, some British and Chinese officers stationed in Hong Kong formed a joint contingent to break the Japanese siege.

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