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Casaubon; digestion was made difficult by the interference of citations, or by the rivalry of dialectical phrases ringing against each other in his brain.


They make you graceful and promote digestion.


Improves digestion Fiber is important for digestion because it adds bulk to stool, making it easier to pass.


But today is a day that you will put your digestion to the test.


" Apples can moisten the lungs, quench one's thirst and help one's digestion.


Foods that help fight bloat Spices Adding black pepper, turmeric and cumin to recipes will help stimulate digestion, according to registered nutritional therapist Fiona Lawson.


' 'There is little evidence that collagen will survive digestion and then travel in the bloodstream to the skin,' say Sophie.

英语美文:I will laugh at the world

I will smile and my digestion will improve; I will chuckle and my burdens will be lightened; I will laugh and my life will be lengthened for this is the great secret of long life and now it is mine.


Does your digestion leave something to be desired?


These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; tall men and short character; steep profits and shallow relationships.


Farts are largely made up of swallowed air, chemical reactions during digestion, and additional contributions by bacteria in our gut.


Scientists at Spain's Universitat Politecnica de Valenicia looked into how digestion affects antioxidants - which help to protect our cells from damage - present in tomato sauce.


It eases digestion and aids in balancing cholesterol levels as well as is considered a heart-healthy food.


Politècnica de València studied how digestion affects the antioxidants - substances which help protect cells from damage - in tomato sauce.


The core don't contain higher levels of antioxidants but are an excellent source of soluble fibre to help stabilise blood sugar and aid digestion.


Their digestion works differently from ours, and many foods, even ones they love, like milk, can give them upset stomachs or worse.


There, researchers measured levels of hormones called melatonin and cortisol, which rise and fall according to the body's master clock, along with levels of metabolites linked to digestion.

常上夜班干扰身体节律 对肠胃破坏极大

There, researchers measured levels of hormones called melatonin and cortisol, which rise and fall according to the body's master clock, along with levels of metabolites linked to digestion.


" 'It also happens to be better for digestion, particularly lying on the left side, considering where the oesophagus enters the stomach.

科学家十年内将生产出“健康”白面包 吃一点就饱

"We think about fast foods, they are fast to buy, fast to eat and very fast to digest and it's that fast digestion the problems," added Prof Mithen.

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