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旅游英语:云冈石窟 Yungang Caves

Cave 14 has eroded severely.


Everyone has his inherent ability which is easily concealed by habbits, blured by time, and eroded by laziness.


(In subsequent years, revisions have eroded much of the original laws.


Neither side has publicly commented on why their relationship eroded, but it's pretty clear that the two parties stopped seeing eye to eye.


One of the six islands that have been heavily eroded is Nuatambu Island, home to 25 families.


Recent estimates predict that by the year 2030 the ship may be completely eroded.


But third, that a protectionist trade policy may not do much good even if trade was part of what eroded certain jobs in the past.


But globalization and technology have eroded demand for routine middle-skill, middle wage jobs: In factories, assembly jobs have been eliminated by automation or moved overseas; in offices, tasks once done by humans are done by computers and voice-response software.


The software flopped, the phones flopped and BlackBerry — which dropped the RIM name during this period — never recovered, as its subscriber base rapidly eroded.


London's lead in the global currencies-trading business is being eroded, with the rise of the renminbi as the world's most heavily-traded emerging market currency tilting volumes towards Asia.


Hollywood has rapidly engaged in business tie-ups with Chinese companies in an effort to build a global audience as cinema attendance is eroded by customers' preference for streaming movies.


As Korean developers have slashedinvestment in online games to try to focus on mobile, their online dominancehas been eroded by overseas-made games such as Riot Games' Leagueof Legends and Blizzard Entertainment's Overwatch.


One of the six islands that have been heavily eroded is Nuatambu Island, home to 25 families.


Moreover, with the differential between EM ex-China and DM growth now negative, Mr Mondino feared that "one of the main pillars of the investment case for EM is being eroded".

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(145)

The paint, once sparkling white, had faded to ghostly gray and eroded in parts, revealing the layered bricks beneath.


) which is easily concealed by habbits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness( or inertia?

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(50)

But there were two things amid the garbage that I couldn't stop looking at: One was the blue kite resting against the wall, close to the cast-iron stove; the other was Hassan's brown corduroy pants thrown on a heap of eroded bricks.


) which is easily concealed by habbits, blured by time, and eroded by laziness( or inertia?


The unpopularity of Thatcher's poll tax together with an uncompromising position toward further European integration eroded support within her own party.


All but the top of the tablet has been eroded by calcium carbonate, and the inscriptions have become unreadable.

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