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I'm going with Norah Flynn, and we'll fall victims to all the dry goods deceptions, from the red-flannel eruption of Mount Vesuvius to the pink silk ribbons on the race-suicide problems in the incubator kiosk.


Although its last eruption was in 1538 AD many scientists warn that this area is becoming extremely dangerous and a massive eruption is imminent.


When this happens, the water does not appear to be boiling, but just a slight disturbance to the water — which can occur when touching or picking up the cup — can cause an eruption of boiling water.


Sometimes you might experience an eruption of happiness and a crash to sadness within mere moments of each other.

乔布斯传 第60期:奇迹从车库开始(1)

When there was the occasional eruption of temper, an occurrence not uncommon around his son, (), Paul would impart some of his calm.


27 seconds to trigger an eruption of adulation in the Olympic Stadium.


Sometimes you might experience an eruption of happiness and a crash to sadness within mere moments of each other.


Replication of the atmospheric impact of a volcanic eruption would directly offset the impact of greenhouse gases.


A major exodus of people from their homes started in 2011 with the eruption of civil war in Syria; but, in the past five years, armed conflicts and persecution also have sent people fleeing from their homes in Africa, Asia and Europe.


Mount Etna stands 3,350 meters high on average, after every eruption it may differ slightly.


Volcano is beautiful before eruption.

日本中部火山爆发 多名登山者被困

Rescuers have found 30 hikers in critical condition, feared dead, near the peak of Mount Ontake, after Saturday's sudden volcanic eruption.

英语名人名言: Opinions 观点

Mark Twain (1835 - 1910), Mark Twain In Eruption It is much easier to break the rules when one s surrounded by strangers.

安徒生童话英文版:Beauty of Form and Beauty of Mind

" "No; I did not see any of the eruptions which are represented in those pictures; but I will show you a sketch of my own, which represents an eruption I once saw.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Eleventh Evening

"It was the City of the Dead; only Vesuvius thundered forth his everlasting hymn, each separate verse of which is called by men an eruption.

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