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It was desirable that chaplaincies of this kind should be entered on with a fervent intention: they were peculiar opportunities for spiritual influence; and while it was good that a salary should be allotted, there was the more need for scrupulous watching lest the office should be perverted into a mere question of salary.


The domestic, unpretending merits of a person never known do not often create that kind of fervent, venerating tenderness which would prompt a visit like yours.


She liked the simple service and the fervent singing.


is a religious world in which people have fervent religious beliefs.


But we will tell you one thing: when machines replace humans at the top of the food chain, we'll be standing on the sidelines, waving our Autobot flag with fervent pride.


The ice cream mixes the sweetest and purest wish of a girl, and the bike carries the most conspicuous and fervent dream of a boy.


This passion hath his floods, in very times of weakness; which are great prosperity, and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed: both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly.


The sapling that bears our mark of love has grown into a big tree,but our once fervent love is lost forever in the wind.

乔布斯传 第15期:上学(3)

" Even though they were not fervent about their faith, Jobs's parents wanted him to have a religious upbringing, so they took him to the Lutheran church most Sundays.


Some of the more fervent Brexiters like to say that an unequivocal rupture, freeing Britain from all EU encumbrances, would be the prelude to an opening-up to the rest of the world.


The Eyes That Drew from Me by Francesco Petrarch· The eyes that drew from me such fervent praise , The arms and hands and feat and countenance 、、, Which made me a stranger in my own romance , And set me apart from the well-trodden ways; ,; The gleaming golden curly hair, the rays , Flashing from a smiling angel's glance , Which moved the world in paradisal dance, ,, Are grains of dust, insensibilities.


Though fervent was our vow, Though ruddily ran our pleasure, Bliss has fulfilled its measure, And sees its sentence now.


Some go down, and some stay on top…… ,,…… In autumn, her love is fervent, and becoming mature.


The eyes that drew from me such fervent praise , The arms and hands and feat and countenance 、、, Which made me a stranger in my own romance , And set me apart from the well-trodden ways; ,; The gleaming golden curly hair, the rays , Flashing from a smiling angel's glance , Which moved the world in paradisal dance, ,, Are grains of dust, insensibilities.


,…… The sapling that bears our mark of love has grown into a big tree, but our once fervent love is lost forever in the wind.


This passion hath his floods, in very times of weakness; which are great prosperity, and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed: both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly.


Do you know, also, that your fervent wishes can only find fulfillment if you succeed in attaining love and understanding of men, and animals, and plants, and stars, so that every joy becomes your joy and every pain your pain?

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