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Seated with his back towards her on a sofa which stood against the wall on a line with the door by which she had entered, she saw Will Ladislaw: close by him and turned towards him with a flushed tearfulness which gave a new brilliancy to her face sat Rosamond, her bonnet hanging back, while Will leaning towards her clasped both her upraised hands in his and spoke with low-toned fervor.


It is some pleasure," the auctioneer went on with a rising fervor, "to have a picture like this to show to a company of ladies and gentlemen—a picture worth any sum to an individual whose means were on a level with his judgment.


" "That it is, Caleb," said his wife, with answering fervor.


Garth, with her sleeves turned above her elbows, deftly handling her pastry—applying her rolling-pin and giving ornamental pinches, while she expounded with grammatical fervor what were the right views about the concord of verbs and pronouns with "nouns of multitude or signifying many," was a sight agreeably amusing.


" Will spoke with fervor.


: A preacher, completing a temperance sermon, spoke with great fervor!


Arguably the country's most popular female TV personality, Ri has been delivering news with her distinctive fervor and excitement since the 1970s.


It was a rainy Sunday afternoon when we sat in my tiny hostel room, discussing capitalism and campus gossip with equal fervor.


" Chinese women's fervor for seeking beauty pushed the country's aesthetic medicine market to 400 billion yuan in 2015.


The latiao fervor came one month after it caught the attention of a British film crew, and in February, the BBC aired a three-part documentary on Chinese New Year celebrations in which the two presenters were seen roaming a typical Chinese snack street, latiao in hand.


If he strikes out he doesn't let that dampen his spirits; he goes up to bat the next time with the same fervor and determination.

《清明上河图》 引来游客

" Past exhibitions of the scroll have attracted huge crowds, but the heightened fervor these days comes as the term "wenhua," or culture, and the desire to appear cultured have become increasingly prominent in China.


Parents glow with extra fervor when their child studies hard, practices hard, wins first place, gets into a prestigious college.

反观内心 远离令人绝望的事

She alludes to the terrible misconceptions of Iranian democrats and leftists about Ayatollah Khomeini in the revolutionary fervor of 1979: "Too arrogant to think of him as a threat and deliberately ignorant of his designs, we supported him.


It was a rainy Sunday afternoon when we sat in my tiny hostel room, discussing capitalism and campus gossip with equal fervor.

安徒生童话英文版:The Marsh King’s Daughter

" Then he knelt down, and prayed with pious fervor.

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