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He felt himself bound as much in honour as in affection to Miss Morland, and believing that heart to be his own which he had been directed to gain, no unworthy retraction of a tacit consent, no reversing decree of unjustifiable anger, could shake his fidelity, or influence the resolutions it prompted.


But a faithful promise—the fidelity of promising!


Fidelity and complaisance are the principal duties of both; and those men who do not choose to dance or marry themselves, have no business with the partners or wives of their neighbours.


He knows that his time is bound to come to lose his life or liberty, and that the accuracy of his aim, the speed of his horse, and the fidelity of his "sider," are all that postpone the inevitable.


Share your plans Especially in couples who are dealing with a serious act of betrayal like fidelity, sharing your plans before your partner's suspicions have the slightest chance of getting aroused is huge, Powell says.

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Many choose to depend on their national pension, but know little about the government-run pension system, according to the China Pension Outlook Report, released by Ant Financial and Fidelity International.


Investors included Alibaba and Bank of China as well as the American firms Qualcomm, Silver Lake, Tiger Global Management and Fidelity International.

Trusty John

" Then answered Faithful John, "I will not forsake him, and will serve him with fidelity, even if it should cost me my life.


Fidelity International, which has an average bonus gap of 69 per cent and a salary gap of 23 per cent, said it was "committed to fairness and equality, and closing the gender pay gap is a key priority for our business".


Renaissance romantics believed that, if they wore these soft-colored flowers, they would never be forgotten by their lovers, making the flower a symbol of fidelity and everlasting love.


Rooster is almost the epitome of fidelity and punctuality.

谷歌投资更名为CapitalG 悄然投资Snapchat

Other prominent Snapchat backers include Alibaba (BABA, Tech30), Yahoo (YHOO, Tech30) and Fidelity.


57bn buyout of Fidelity & Guaranty Life in the US after New York's Department of Financial Services asked it for more information.

WeWork融资4.3亿美元 将向中国市场扩张

2bn in the past year and a half from investors including JPMorgan and Fidelity Investments.


It will also depend on the mining environment, according to Joe Wickwire, portfolio manager at the Fidelity Select Gold Portfolio.


"This ranking is a recognition of seriousness, of delivering the same fidelity and level of excellence from the beginning of January to the end of December," Mr.


Next comes merchandising: Mtime, which counts Fidelity Growth Partners and CBC Capital among its backers, has started designing movie-themed products that are sold on its website and inside Chinese multiplexes.


The piece of jewellery will be marketed by Gemporia as their 'fidelity ring'.


In March, Fidelity was granted a tripling of its QFII quota to $1.


A man lying at the point of death called his wife to his bedside and said: "I am about to leave you forever; give me, therefore, one last proof of your affection and fidelity, for, according to our holy religion, a married man seeking admittance at the gate of Heaven is required to swear that he has never defiled himself with an unworthy woman.

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