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Mimicry arises as the result of evolution through natural selection and the occurrence of random genetic mutations that lead over many generations to the appearance of favorable characteristics.


A genetic analysis of 13 Gypsy groups around Europe, published in Current Biology journal, has revealed that the arrival on the continent of their forebears from northern India happened far earlier than was thought, about 1,500 years ago.


Being a bad driver is partially a genetic trait.


Set in a near future in which genetic engineering causes a plague that almost destroys humanity, it's savagely satirical, thrilling and moving.


A 2015 genetic study suggested that the process began over 30,000 years ago.


"When it comes to human skill, a complex combination of environmental factors, genetic factors and their interactions explains the performance differences across people.


New findings by Professor Eli Sprecher of Tel Aviv University's Faculty of Medicine and the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center show that a genetic mutation is responsible for this unusual condition.

总是信任与我们相像的人 但不会爱他

Even in humans, she said, there is evidence that we breed better with people who have some genetic similarity.


Being shy is at least 50% genetic so there's only so much we can do to overcome this.


The study's researchers concluded that men with low stress levels are more attractive, because handling a stressful situation suggests having a "strong" genetic makeup and that can be passed on to children.

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Or he had the rare genetic disorder Marfan's Syndrome.


Being pretty -or just not ugly -confers enormous genetic and social advantages.


The researchers looked at the genetic material inside the women's cells, specifically the length of their telomeres.


Scientists have discovered 327 new genetic regions which determine whether people are 'larks' who get up early in the morning or 'owls' with later bedtimes who naturally lie in for longer.


Now we finally have new hope, in the shape of the first-ever genetic study on acne.


Scientists say a genetic predisposition to perceiving the bitterness of particular substances appears to nudge us towards one beverage or the other.


But children born to mothers over the age of 35 and fathers over the age of 45 are at greater risk of having genetic and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as schizophrenia and autism , which arguably affects the child's quality of life.


But children born to mothers over the age of 35 and fathers over the age of 45 are at greater risk of having genetic and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as schizophrenia and autism , which arguably affects the child's quality of life.


But children born to mothers over the age of 35 and fathers over the age of 45 are at greater risk of having genetic and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as schizophrenia and autism , which arguably affects the child's quality of life.

研究发现 寒冷地区的人的酒精摄入量更高

"If you have a genetic predisposition to alcohol abuse, maybe you should avoid super cold areas.

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