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In his charity, he gives with a liberal hand; but it must be heralded with the trumpet and chronicled in brass.


Zhang Qian's unprecedented expeditions heralded the establishment of the "Silk Road",which fostered the commercial and cultural exchanges between the East and the West.


,《》: Heralded as a new dawn in China-Hollywood co-operation, this ambitious war film from Zhang Yimou is an attempt to turn the revolting aftermath of the 1937 Japanese assault on Nanjing into a globally friendly, putatively inspiring epic that also aims to underscore the US and China's geopolitical mutual respect.


" 'The combination of a beautiful aesthetic, an intriguing or thoughtful product USP and the kudos of being heralded by an Insta-influencer has the power to transform a brand into a cult favorite or a must-have overnight, in a way that we've never really seen before.


WIPO Director General Francis Gurry said that China's rapid rise heralded "the arrival of multipolar innovation," reflecting "a strategic direction set from the top leadership to developing world-class capacity in innovation and to moving the structural basis of the economy to more knowledge-intensive industries that rely on innovation to maintain competitive advantage.


Stephen Lawrence, clinical lead for diabetes at the Royal College of General Practitioners and fellow at Warwick University, heralded the DiRECT paper as a "landmark study".

乔布斯传 第52期:热浪滚滚的时代(3)

The Altair wasn't much—-just a $495 pile of parts that had to be soldered to a board that would then do little -- 495,, but for hobbyists and hackers it heralded the dawn of a new era.


With hundreds of wineries to pick from in California's heralded wine region, you'll have no shortage of locations to visit.


" Trump has long heralded tax cuts, particularly on corporations, as a major component of his economic plan.


The concept was created in 2006 by perfumer Geza Schoen, who has been heralded as a rising star in the fragrance industry.


Turning to soy products has long been heralded as the healthier, more eco-friendly, and certainly more cow-friendly alternative to dairy products.


The $140 million project was launched in May in collaboration with American publisher and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who heralded the initiative by saying it will 'challenge the status quo and use innovation to solve tough problems'.


But that same group has since gone on a less heralded journey, outpacing once-dominant communities from Taiwan and China, to become the US's most technologically entrepreneurial immigrants as well.


Experts have long heralded the ability of manufacturers to use "mass customisation" to pimp my training shoes or your car.


Shanghai's free trade zone, or FTZ, which opened in September 2013, was heralded as a laboratory for ambitious free market reforms that would lift everything from financial and currency restrictions to administrative controls on foreign investment.

围棋大师吴清源去世 享年百岁

Go master Seigen Go, heralded as the strongest professional player in the Showa era, died of old age early Sunday morning at a hospital in Odawara, Kanagawa Prefecture.

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