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I recommend you at present, as your clergyman, and one who hopes for your reinstatement in respect, to quit the room, and avoid further hindrance to business.


Bulstrode met all the expenses, and had ceased to be sorry that he was purchasing the right to carry out his notions of improvement without hindrance from prejudiced coadjutors; but he had had to spend large sums, and the building had lingered.


Everything seemed hindrance to her till she could find an opportunity of opening her heart to her husband.


Casaubon, as might be expected, spent a great deal of his time at the Grange in these weeks, and the hindrance which courtship occasioned to the progress of his great work—the Key to all Mythologies—naturally made him look forward the more eagerly to the happy termination of courtship.


I can't overcome my desire, but I hate it; it imprisons my spirit; I look forward to the time when I shall be free from all desire and can give myself without hindrance to my work.


I can't overcome my desire, but I hate it; it imprisons my spirit; I look forward to the time when I shall be free from all desire and can give myself without hindrance to my work.


But the hindrance thrown in the way of a very speedy intimacy, by the frequent want of one or more of these requisites, prevented their doing more than going through the first rudiments of an acquaintance, by informing themselves how well the other liked Bath, how much she admired its buildings and surrounding country, whether she drew, or played, or sang, and whether she was fond of riding on horseback.

迷人四月天:Chapter 10

She said to herself, "These modern young women," and proceeded to find her; her stick, now that lunch was over, being no longer the hindrance to action that it was before her meal had been securely, as Browning once said—surely it was Browning?


' It takes a certain amount of self-discipline to keep self-deception from becoming a hindrance on the job or in relationships.


" This kind of thing is a serious hindrance to his job, he said.

10大危险信号 你需要好好休息下了

What Used to Bring You Joy is Now A Hindrance , That hobby and job that you once loved seems more like an obligation than something that makes you smile.


This may be in part due to the fact that interruptions are more frequently experienced by employees in open offices, which can be a major hindrance to productivity.


I have more time left and I would like to enjoy my life freely without the hindrance from another person.


Close to the California line, where the group stopped to bathe in a river, Noah, feeling he was a hindrance to the others, wandered away.


If that were so, then we would have had to admit that this sense of beauty creates a dissension in our universe and sets up a wall of hindrance across the highway of communication that leads from everything to all things.

格林童话英文版:The King of the Golden Mountain

Then he went to a hill where a shepherd was watching his sheep, changed clothes with him, put on his old shepherd's-coat, and then entered the town without hindrance.

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