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Mr Riley Gives His Advice Concerning a School for Tom The gentleman in the ample white cravat and shirt-frill, taking his brandy-and-water so pleasantly with his good friend Tulliver, is Mr Riley, a gentleman with a waxen complexion and fat hands, rather highly educated for an auctioneer and appraiser, but large-hearted enough to show a great deal of bonhomie toward simple country acquaintances of hospitable habits.


But he wished to repress outward signs, and only Dorothea could discern the changes in her husband's face before he observed with more of dignified bending and sing-song than usual— "You are exceedingly hospitable, my dear sir; and I owe you acknowledgments for exercising your hospitality towards a relative of mine.


A pleasant, hospitable woman, with a harmless craze for the small lions of literary society; a rather dull man, doing his duty in that state of life in which a merciful Providence had placed him; two nice-looking, healthy children.


I lived near Victoria Station, and I recall long excursions by bus to the hospitable houses of the literary.


"This is the end of everything" (he said), "at least it is the end of the career of Toad, which is the same thing; the popular and handsome Toad, the rich and hospitable Toad, the Toad so free and careless and debonair!

迷人四月天:Chapter 21

Wilkins was most hospitable and called Frederick "sir.

迷人四月天:Chapter 18

Wilkins, "is not likely to be wanting in the proper hospitable impulses.


But she is a most hospitable lady and treated us royally.


The crowd filed up the aisles: the aged and needy postmaster, who had seen better days; the mayor and his wife—for they had a mayor there, among other unnecessaries; the justice of the peace; the widow Douglas, fair, smart, and forty, a generous, good-hearted soul and well-to-do, her hill mansion the only palace in the town, and the most hospitable and much the most lavish in the matter of festivities that St.


And as Chris Jones, a mission analyst at NASA Langley and leader of the High-Altitude Venus Operational Concept team, says, "The atmosphere of Venus is one of the more hospitable locations in space.


Before I would say that I was a vegetarian, but for some reason this explanation has never worked on hospitable Italian grandmothers.


We talked to residents in the countries ranked high for friendliness to find out what makes these places so hospitable to newcomers.


The preoccupation, some would say obsession, with immigration points in the opposite direction, to a hard break with the EU and a less hospitable business environment for nations further afield.

世界上最热的地方 达纳基尔大沙漠

Although these traditional nomadic herders are pastoralists, they are notorious for being fierce, proud, independent, and not exactly hospitable – perhaps mirroring the unforgiving terrain that surrounds them.

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The good news is the more effective they are in meeting the challenge, the more prosperous and hospitable they will be.


Timothy Clancy, 31, an Australian who has lived in Hangzhou since 2011 with his wife, who is from Zhejiang, said, "Australia has hosted such a summit before, but I never imagined that people in the host city could be so hospitable.


Safe, hospitable, self-assured, it's no surprise that easy Jet has just added this former capital city to its roster of Scandinavian destinations.


He took a taxi to his hotel, where he was greeted by his hospitable Indian host.


Yue Guang was very hospitable.

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