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" "If more efforts are made to impart knowledge and know-how to small businesses, that will significantly contribute to inclusive growth," he said.


More importantly, they add value to everyone in their network, sharing advice and know-how.


The open recruitment for international talent is in response to President Xi Jinping's call to host an extraordinary Winter Olympics in a shared manner and will help make up for any shortfall in know-how, said observers.


Thus Vietnam's existing advantage of low-cost labour joined with the management and technical know-how of Japan to create a new specialism.

沃尔沃 吉利将用同一家工厂生产汽车

The move to bring manufacturing under the same roof is the latest step in efforts to tighten ties between Volvo and Geely by transferring European know-how to Geely while maintaining the Swedish automaker's business and reputation.


There is nothing wrong about bringing in private sector capital and know-how to back space exploration.


" China is eager to acquire Hollywood know-how, especially since Beijing regulates the number of foreign films that can be shown in the country.


US studios have the know-how but are cash-strapped and risk averse, while the Chinese have abundant capital and an appetite for risk, which lends itself to financing films.


Some people thirst for the revelation of the magic secrets so that they mayobtain some of the know-how and perform some magic on their own.


Like Allen, few if any of the girls have ever met anyone in that field, but they've all watched "CSI," "Bones" or some other show in which a cool chick with great hair in a lab coat gets to use her scientific know-how to solve a crime.

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"The areas where China needs foreign investment to bring in new know-how are sectors like education, healthcare and services," he added.


EnviroFlight is also partnering with the feed industry around the world to provide its technology and know-how on raising insects for animal feed.

英语名人名言: Pride 骄傲

Stuart Stevens, Northern Exposure, Brains, Know-How, and Native Intelligence, 1990 The charity that hastens to proclaim its good deeds, ceases to be charity, and is only pride and ostentation.


Without tactical know-how, you don't get Costa Rica's march through the tournament or Holland coming within a couple of penalty kicks to the final.


Using his special effects know-how from work, Daniel Hashimoto has created the videos of his son, James, for YouTube under the name Action Movie Kid.

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