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With murky red sunsets flaming in smoky crimson behind the westering hills.


They tripped along the murky aisles with the rest of the company, visiting the familiar wonders of the cave—wonders dubbed with rather over-descriptive names, such as "The Drawing-Room," "The Cathedral," "Aladdin's Palace," and so on.


Spirits whispered in the rustling leaves, ghosts lurked in the murky nooks, the deep baying of a hound floated up out of the distance, an owl answered with his sepulchral note.


While the mechanisms behind sleep paralysis remain murky, Jalal said stress and worry play a part.


That also explains why we tend not to like murky brown colors, as we link them to dirty water, poop, and disease.


The murky air means people you don't want to talk to are less likely to notice you on the street.

My Left Foot 我的左脚

And over all, the dull, murky sky stretched like a dark canopy, a vast infinity of greyness.


The origin of the tradition, however, is a bit murky.


" Referring to the murky water, she said: 'This is all from the beauty blender.


United States officials have said for years that Huawei products pose unacceptable security risks for Americans, citing the company's ties to Beijing and its murky ownership.


" Referring to the murky water, she said: 'This is all from the beauty blender.


The terrain for intellectual property is often too murky for accusers like Zindel to build a case with any traction.


Let it not be among the jumbled heap , Of murky buildings; climb with me the steep, ,, Nature fs observatory -whence the dell, , Its flowery slopes, its river`s crystal swell.


: There were farcical scenes at the Olympic synchronized diving final tonight after the pool turned a murky shade of green.

奥运泳池变绿 各国段子手开始了

There were farcical scenes at the Olympic synchronized diving final tonight after the pool turned a murky shade of green.


But there are lots of foods on the soda-to-kale continuum whose nutritional value is murky.


The upcoming sci-fi drama Westworld will likewise wade into the murky world of artificial intelligence.


Reassured, perhaps: Nutrition science is sometimes murky even to experts.


Because the laws are murky, many privateinvestigators steer clear of drones.


Studner, author of Super Job Search IV: The Complete Manual for Job Seekers & Career Changers, says that often both interviewers and interviewees don't realize that a certain line of inquiry has veered into murky territory.

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