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" "No, it is not brave," said Lydgate, "but if a man is afraid of creeping paralysis?


Lydgate was aware that his concessions to Rosamond were often little more than the lapse of slackening resolution, the creeping paralysis apt to seize an enthusiasm which is out of adjustment to a constant portion of our lives.


Casaubon came out of the vestry, and, entering the pew, seated himself in face of Dorothea, Will felt his paralysis more complete.


You've just experienced sleep paralysis, one of many "parasomnias," which is the name experts give to all sorts of weird things that occur during sleep.


And it means she no longer suffers that common mid-life paralysis of indecision over which career path to take next.


As a result of this mismatch, the fetus brain still generates formidable movement commands during REM sleep, except there is no paralysis to hold them back.


The technology, often called a brain computer interface, was conceived to enable people with paralysis and other disabilities to interact with computers or control robotic arms, all by simply thinking about such actions.


That situation - the state when a thinker is "stuck" in analysis - is sometimes called analysis paralysis.


In recent years, cupping therapy has been used for people suffering all sorts of ailments including shingles, facial paralysis, cough and difficulty breathing and acne.


" Perhaps the most vexing issue for local organizers — the one that may stir anxiety among athletes and spectators — is the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which has been linked to birth defects and temporary paralysis.


First his fingers, forearms and toes tingled; then he was gripped by a mental paralysis.

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Parasomnias include abnormal acts like eating disorders while asleep, nightmares, sleep paralysis and sleep aggression.


El Salvador's Health Ministry is particularly concerned about the rise of cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, which leads to paralysis, usually temporary; researchers are exploring a possible link between Guillain-Barré and Zika.


" The economic climate in Asia is a marked change from 2012, when Indonesia and Thailand were both booming on rising exports and soaring consumer spending, while India, plagued by political paralysis and rampant inflation, saw growth drop to its lowest since 2008.

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Patients would have splitting headache, serious limb twitch, or even paralysis.

从二次元到三次元 聊聊弹幕那些事儿

why Benedict Cumberbatch is called "Curly Fu", why Watson is "peanut", and why Kristen Stewart is "facial paralysis girl".

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(5)

While Sanaubar's brilliant green eyes and impish face had, rumor has it, tempted countless men into sin, Ali had a congenital paralysis of his lower facial muscles, a condition that rendered him unable to smile and left him perpetually grimfaced.


She suggests it could be "because we have too much choice and information coming", which can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction but also paralysis.

安徒生童话英文版:The Old Bachelor’s Nightcap

Is it paralysis, or something dazzling my eyes?

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