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Maugham, English playwright.


In Japan the playwright Chikamatsu Monzaemon celebrated him on the stage (Zheng had a Japanese mnther).


: He was the representative poet and playwright of chronicle play of the great May Fourth period of enlightenment, the prophet-poet of new China.


" It was until he participated in his high school play A Midsummer Night's Dream – written by British playwright William Shakespeare – that he found his talent for performing.


Maugham, English playwright .


" England's most famous playwright, William Shakespeare, came third with a line from his play about star-crossed lovers "Romeo and Juliet": "But soft!


It's a small but pivotal role in an ensemble piece, an unflinching movie about the 1980s AIDS crisis in New York City, adapted by activist playwright Larry Kramer and director Ryan Murphy (the creator of Glee) from Kramer's original 1985 play.


The Czech playwright Karel Čapek gave us R.


: 'Its' all Greek to me,' which appears in playwright Robert Greene's The Scottish History of James The Fourth before in Julius Ceaser.


There's the former Manchester United footballer Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, the playwright Henrik Ibsen and the composer EdvardGreig, who came from Bergen and whose home is now a museum and concert venue.


—John Fletcher, English playwright ,,;.


About 10 years ago, the playwright John Guare got a call asking if he wanted to meet David Bowie to discuss a theater project.


" OSCAR WILDE (1854-1900), playwright and poet ——·(1854-1900),, "A new heart for a New Year, always!


The seven men featured are: : - John Constable, the painter of the Hay Wain •(John Constable),《》(Hay Wain) - John Harrison, the inventor of the marine timekeeper •(John Harrison) - Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, the architect ·•(Sir Giles Gilbert Scott) - Charles Babbage, the inventor of the computer •(Charles Babbage) - William Shakespeare, the playwright, who appears in a new high-security watermark •(William Shakespeare), - Antony Gormley and Anish Kapoor, the sculptors •(A

中国历史名人:Guo Moruo郭沫若

He was the representative poet and playwright of chronicle play of the great May Fourth period of enlightenment, the prophet-poet of new China.


's of the playwright and director, they got to it.

北大女博士抄袭门 论抄和偷的差异

By coincidence, the great essayist, publisher, playwright, literary and social critic T.

威廉·莎士比亚-7 女王、国王和王子们

'Mr Shakespeare,you are the best playwright in England.

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